So it's Sunday, so again that means it's blogging time! It has been a great weekend so far, and I can't wait for it to be Wednesday, and I have 5 full days off of work! Woo hoo!
So this weekend, we found the best mexican place in the whole world: It's called Hacienda, and it's off of Valleydale. They had the best salsa,margarita, chimichanga, everything. All recommended by our pastor. Well not the margarita part anyway. Then on Saturday Bennett's parents came up to do their Christmas. Bennett and I got new honeymoon luggage! Then they got us tickets to see Transiberian Orchestra, and it was soo amazing! It was the best show ever! They had fake snow coming down on the audience, and the light show was so cool. It was seriously one of the best shows I'd ever seen.
And it's finally cold here, after it being 70 for 3 days straight. I woke up this morning and it was all cloudy outside and the weather people said it was supposed to rain, so I put on my new christmas raincoat and go to work. However, after an hour, the sun is out and it's freezing cold, and I have a raincoat to keep me warm. Sometimes I'm such a moron.
Anyway, we have the children's christmas pageant tonight at church, and then the posts are coming over for a drink and present exchange.
So we got our estimate back from Gabrella for the wedding, and we are definitely going to have to do some cutting. I couldn't believe, that even though we wanted the most simple of things for the wedding, it came out to be over $15,000! So we're cutting the extra hour, taking an extra hard look at the menu, and really trying to figure out who won't be showing up, so we can get a more accurate guest count. I almost had a heart attack; I don't know where all that money will come from...

The Galleria
Bennett and I had a super long night on Friday, so we ended up staying in bed most of all day yesterday. Around 2 or so, we finally decided that we should go and do what we had been planning to do, which is finish our Christmas shopping.
So we drive down I-459 South to get to the Galleria, and there is a line about a mile long coming off the exit ramp; obviously almost everyone else in the entire Birmingham area had the same idea. We finally get into the mall parking lot and parked in the parking deck, almost a mile from the actual mall entrance. And we get in there and have a pretzel with cheese and look around for a little while. Got one of Bennett's dad's presents and left. So, yeah, we went to the mall for a pretzel and sweater vest. We probably could have found a pretzel much closer and without much stress, but seriously, nothing is better than a mall pretzel with cheese.
My shopping is pretty much done; my family is pretty easy to shop for. Bennett's parents are coming up here next weekend to do an early Christmas since we'll be in Kansas, then we're gonna see Transiberian Orchestra at the BJCC. I can't wait!!! New kid at work said that it was one of the best shows he's seen, so I'm super stoked.
I have found in my old age, my blog entries have become less funny and more about what is actually going on, and that is no fun. Maybe hopefully something funny will happen to me soon.
Oh wait....something funny did happen. Gene Chizik is Auburn's new coach. Welcome to the fabulous circus world of what is to be Auburn Football. :(
So we drive down I-459 South to get to the Galleria, and there is a line about a mile long coming off the exit ramp; obviously almost everyone else in the entire Birmingham area had the same idea. We finally get into the mall parking lot and parked in the parking deck, almost a mile from the actual mall entrance. And we get in there and have a pretzel with cheese and look around for a little while. Got one of Bennett's dad's presents and left. So, yeah, we went to the mall for a pretzel and sweater vest. We probably could have found a pretzel much closer and without much stress, but seriously, nothing is better than a mall pretzel with cheese.
My shopping is pretty much done; my family is pretty easy to shop for. Bennett's parents are coming up here next weekend to do an early Christmas since we'll be in Kansas, then we're gonna see Transiberian Orchestra at the BJCC. I can't wait!!! New kid at work said that it was one of the best shows he's seen, so I'm super stoked.
I have found in my old age, my blog entries have become less funny and more about what is actually going on, and that is no fun. Maybe hopefully something funny will happen to me soon.
Oh wait....something funny did happen. Gene Chizik is Auburn's new coach. Welcome to the fabulous circus world of what is to be Auburn Football. :(
The Olden Days
Since tonight is boy's night out, I have been left at home with my thoughts and the alcohol, and what better than to write a blog entry.
Listening to Amie Miriello. She's amazing. Anyway, so there is nothing good on TV on Wednesdays, so what do I do? I flip back to my xanga journal and read a whole bunch of what I used to be like. And it's semi-amusing to see how much I'm not like the self I used to be back in the day. A. I used to swear like a sailor in my other journal entries. I sort of leave that out on purpose in this one. I feel in my old age that I can use my words better, although I will admit the occasional hell or damn or ass will escape. Please excuse me for that. B. I'm obviously not as boy crazy as I used to be. Granted that my love life has settled itself nicely. There is no Daniel ( I forgot all about this guy!) or Joseph or Nothdurft drama. There is no Deanna on medication that won't allow her to drink and C. I'm obviously not in school anymore, so it's not as fun. Only fun stuff happens in college; no fun-ness in real world.
I was listening to this new kid at work today talk about his rondez vous in college and it made me miss it even more that I can explain. I don't miss all the dumb decisions I made in college, yet I regret very few of them. I believe strongly in the saying "Everything happens for a reason," and taking away the things that happened to me in college would make me a different person than the person I am now.
I am not completely happy with the person I have become, but I do believe that now is better than then. And even if nobody reads this, then I will be happy to know that I have these to look back on later to see how I was and remember.

Our tree; Steven don't feel bad. We are obsessed with Christmas too. :)
Throw Me Where You Need Me
So in order to rock my world a little bit, my work has decided to put me down at 280 today. Which I'm not totally opposed to; it's very peaceful down here. It's just me and the Christmas music (thank you Joel for your magnificent radio, which, without, I would be a very very lonely little girl, and blasting Hanson/Nsync/American Idol/Steven's Mixed Christmas all day).
They have been cracking down on overtime hard, as we are fully staffed, which means shorter and shorter days for the likes of the hourly employees. This is where my schedule sits as we sit it for this week:
Monday, worked a glorious 7 hours, from 6-2:30, with a lunch mind you.
Tuesday, working the fabulous Taj Mahal from 7-6.
Wednesday, due to the fabulous Taj Mahal's 11 hours working, I work today 6-3.
Thursday, I will open and then to make sure I don't get overtime, I will be allowed to leave at whatever time will not put me in OT.
This thrills me to no end; I like to work out after work, and usually bennett doesn't like to go, so this allows me to go and be done by the time he gets off work.
So I decided (by request) to put the wedding details in this post, so if you are a boy or don't care about wedding plans, I will warn you now, this is the place to stop reading.
The only thing I'm semi-bummed about with the wedding is not being able to use sparklers. They make for such lovely pictures, but I guess we will be reduced to Auburn shakers, which we were going to use to begin with.
The chair covers and tables will be all white, with white ribbon. The centerpieces will be square vases with pink hydrangeas and tea lights. The arbor where the ceremony will take place will be lit in the back with white tulle hanging. I'm not sure how much I really like that; I might change my mind about it; it just seems like it would look tacky to me. Anyway, I'm planning on the wedding being simple and pretty, so basically that's about all for the massive details.
Yesterday Rusty called Bennett my husband on accident, but it still made me smile.
They have been cracking down on overtime hard, as we are fully staffed, which means shorter and shorter days for the likes of the hourly employees. This is where my schedule sits as we sit it for this week:
Monday, worked a glorious 7 hours, from 6-2:30, with a lunch mind you.
Tuesday, working the fabulous Taj Mahal from 7-6.
Wednesday, due to the fabulous Taj Mahal's 11 hours working, I work today 6-3.
Thursday, I will open and then to make sure I don't get overtime, I will be allowed to leave at whatever time will not put me in OT.
This thrills me to no end; I like to work out after work, and usually bennett doesn't like to go, so this allows me to go and be done by the time he gets off work.
So I decided (by request) to put the wedding details in this post, so if you are a boy or don't care about wedding plans, I will warn you now, this is the place to stop reading.
The only thing I'm semi-bummed about with the wedding is not being able to use sparklers. They make for such lovely pictures, but I guess we will be reduced to Auburn shakers, which we were going to use to begin with.
The chair covers and tables will be all white, with white ribbon. The centerpieces will be square vases with pink hydrangeas and tea lights. The arbor where the ceremony will take place will be lit in the back with white tulle hanging. I'm not sure how much I really like that; I might change my mind about it; it just seems like it would look tacky to me. Anyway, I'm planning on the wedding being simple and pretty, so basically that's about all for the massive details.
Yesterday Rusty called Bennett my husband on accident, but it still made me smile.
Fancy Car
So my poor little Focus finally got his 6 month washing (it really should occur more than once every six months, and I promised I would take better care of this one, but that didn't really happen), and his wheels have a nice shine thing going on too. He's a pretty happy car today.
So once again, it's Sunday and I'm at oxmoor. And once again, it is slow so I'm blogging. I have checked in one truck, and I have one reservation that is actually during business hours today. I mean, I can't complain, because there is nothing going wrong today, it's not busy, and I have the time to blog with you wonderful people who don't read my blog.
We got our engagement pictures back, and they are fabulous. I will post some on here as soon as I'm not at work so I can get them. But the pictures have left me at a crossroads; blonde hair or dark hair? At the moment those pictures were taken, my hair was dark, with a pretty tint of red. Today my hair is blonde. I have the hair dye sitting at home under my sink, and it only takes one moment of insanity for the blonde to be "cinnamon stick." I have always had this mad obsession with having the perfect hair, but it has become painfully obvious and expensive that my hair will never achieve true perfection. And then I have to think about what will look good for the wedding and the white dress face is beginning to show the effects of stressed-out ness in the form of zits, which until recently had been extinct from my face. And they are not of the unnoticeable sort; they are the ones that are the size of texas and red and hurt.
So while it is beautiful outside, it's cold, and I can be thankful that I have discovered how to make it warmer in this place. And that I also have a job, and finally a church to go to. Bennett and I have been going to Cahaba Heights United Methodist, and we love it! We finally have our preacher for the wedding and they accommodate to my sunday schedule by having a service at 4. Wow, I made that sound like they do it just for me; they don't. It's a more contemporary service with more music and the like, and though Bennett and I prefer the more traditional, we will accept the fact that they have drums and guitars in church for the time being, anyway.
And now that I have bored you to tears... I will leave you with one thing.
Rammer jammer yellow hammer, go to hell alabama! Go Florida!
So once again, it's Sunday and I'm at oxmoor. And once again, it is slow so I'm blogging. I have checked in one truck, and I have one reservation that is actually during business hours today. I mean, I can't complain, because there is nothing going wrong today, it's not busy, and I have the time to blog with you wonderful people who don't read my blog.
We got our engagement pictures back, and they are fabulous. I will post some on here as soon as I'm not at work so I can get them. But the pictures have left me at a crossroads; blonde hair or dark hair? At the moment those pictures were taken, my hair was dark, with a pretty tint of red. Today my hair is blonde. I have the hair dye sitting at home under my sink, and it only takes one moment of insanity for the blonde to be "cinnamon stick." I have always had this mad obsession with having the perfect hair, but it has become painfully obvious and expensive that my hair will never achieve true perfection. And then I have to think about what will look good for the wedding and the white dress face is beginning to show the effects of stressed-out ness in the form of zits, which until recently had been extinct from my face. And they are not of the unnoticeable sort; they are the ones that are the size of texas and red and hurt.
So while it is beautiful outside, it's cold, and I can be thankful that I have discovered how to make it warmer in this place. And that I also have a job, and finally a church to go to. Bennett and I have been going to Cahaba Heights United Methodist, and we love it! We finally have our preacher for the wedding and they accommodate to my sunday schedule by having a service at 4. Wow, I made that sound like they do it just for me; they don't. It's a more contemporary service with more music and the like, and though Bennett and I prefer the more traditional, we will accept the fact that they have drums and guitars in church for the time being, anyway.
And now that I have bored you to tears... I will leave you with one thing.
Rammer jammer yellow hammer, go to hell alabama! Go Florida!
And It's Over
SO the wedding is officially planned. We went to Gabrella today and did it in under an hour. They were super impressed with our awesome planning skills. I kept thinking they were looking at me like we were a bunch of freaks, but oh well.
So while during the Auburn/Alabama game, I got to thinking about a couple of things. Mostly how Nick Saban is an ass, and that I got to thinking, there isn't a Nick that I came by that I liked.
Example 1: Nick Adams. We all know this story. He probably is the biggest asshole I've ever met in my entire life. Wow how I don't miss the days of having my clothes thrown at me, while hiding my phone or being locked out of my own room, the incessant crying because he thought he was the best damn thing since ever and letting me know that I embarrass Auburn. FYI to you dumb ass, I had a much higher GPA, therefore making them look better not worse.
Example 2: Nick the ex-boss. Yeah, don't really miss being sexually harassed every day at work. I don't know if he truly believed that I actually liked him or not, but he would have had to have been pretty retarded to have thought so. Not that he didn't make coming to work a freakin nightmare anyway, it would have been even worse if I chose to report him.
Example 3: Nick Saban, the anti-christ. It is so not classy to call a timeout after the ball has been snapped. Also the faux timeout called after you had already gotten a penalty for a false start. I hope the gators beat you; scratch that. I hope they shut you out.
Now, there are a couple Nicks that I thought about while writing this that I do sort of like; Nicholas Cage and Nick Cannon, maybe some St. Nick action too. But for the most part, I have never met them, so who knows. Something with that name, must be.
So while during the Auburn/Alabama game, I got to thinking about a couple of things. Mostly how Nick Saban is an ass, and that I got to thinking, there isn't a Nick that I came by that I liked.
Example 1: Nick Adams. We all know this story. He probably is the biggest asshole I've ever met in my entire life. Wow how I don't miss the days of having my clothes thrown at me, while hiding my phone or being locked out of my own room, the incessant crying because he thought he was the best damn thing since ever and letting me know that I embarrass Auburn. FYI to you dumb ass, I had a much higher GPA, therefore making them look better not worse.
Example 2: Nick the ex-boss. Yeah, don't really miss being sexually harassed every day at work. I don't know if he truly believed that I actually liked him or not, but he would have had to have been pretty retarded to have thought so. Not that he didn't make coming to work a freakin nightmare anyway, it would have been even worse if I chose to report him.
Example 3: Nick Saban, the anti-christ. It is so not classy to call a timeout after the ball has been snapped. Also the faux timeout called after you had already gotten a penalty for a false start. I hope the gators beat you; scratch that. I hope they shut you out.
Now, there are a couple Nicks that I thought about while writing this that I do sort of like; Nicholas Cage and Nick Cannon, maybe some St. Nick action too. But for the most part, I have never met them, so who knows. Something with that name, must be.
The Christmas Pickle
So after a very yummy Thanksgiving, Bennett's mom and I went shopping on Friday. There weren't that many good deals out there, but we ended up buying a few.
But in store after store, we kept noticing something strange; A pickle as a Christmas ornament. (We also saw a bunch of mushrooms, but thought the pickle was stranger). So that night we just had to find out what the hell a pickle had to do with Christmas. This is what we found:
The Christmas PickleBy B. Francis Morlan
It is a quaint tradition that nobody wants to claim. And its story would not be the first tradition of Christmas born of a total fabrication. It is the little-known tradition of the Christmas pickle.
The Christmas pickle is not really a pickle at all. It is a pickle-shaped ornament that is the last one hung on the tree on Christmas Eve. The first child to find the Christmas pickle gets an extra gift from Saint Nicholas. Or so the so-called legend goes.
There are two other versions of the origins of the Christmas pickle. One is a family story of a Bavarian-born ancestor who fought in the American Civil War. A prisoner in poor health and starving, he begged a guard for just one pickle before he died. The guard took pity on him and found a pickle for him. The pickle by the grace of God gave him the mental and physical strength to live on.
The other, perpetuated in Berrien Springs, MI, is a medieval tale of two Spanish boys traveling home from boarding school for the holidays. When they stopped at an inn for the night, the innkeeper, a mean and evil man, stuffed the boys into a pickle barrel. That evening, St. Nicholas stopped at the same inn, became aware of the boys' plight, tapped the pickle barrel with his staff, and the boys were magically freed.
Berrien Springs calls itself the Christmas Pickle Capital of the World. They celebrate with an annual Christmas Pickle Festival held during the early part of December. A parade, led by the Grand Dillmeister who passes out fresh pickles along the parade route, is the featured event. You may even purchase the German glass pickle ornaments at the town’s museum.
Rumor and speculation place the origin of this tradition in Germany. However few in modern-day Germany recognize or have even heard of the Christmas pickle. Some in West Germany blame generations of East Germans who may have had nothing more than pickles to decorate their Christmas trees with after World War II. But even families and historians in East Germany shrug at the mention of the Christmas pickle tradition.
Regardless of where it came from, the Christmas tradition survives. Ornament manufacturers continue to make the specialty decoration and enjoy perpetuating the myth of its legendary origins -- false though they may be.
(taken from
Bennett's mom got us this ornament yesterday, so we are now the proud owners of a glass pickle ornament, and a new tradition begins.
Anyway, only one thing left to say.... GO GATORS!!! pickle.
But in store after store, we kept noticing something strange; A pickle as a Christmas ornament. (We also saw a bunch of mushrooms, but thought the pickle was stranger). So that night we just had to find out what the hell a pickle had to do with Christmas. This is what we found:
The Christmas PickleBy B. Francis Morlan
It is a quaint tradition that nobody wants to claim. And its story would not be the first tradition of Christmas born of a total fabrication. It is the little-known tradition of the Christmas pickle.
The Christmas pickle is not really a pickle at all. It is a pickle-shaped ornament that is the last one hung on the tree on Christmas Eve. The first child to find the Christmas pickle gets an extra gift from Saint Nicholas. Or so the so-called legend goes.
There are two other versions of the origins of the Christmas pickle. One is a family story of a Bavarian-born ancestor who fought in the American Civil War. A prisoner in poor health and starving, he begged a guard for just one pickle before he died. The guard took pity on him and found a pickle for him. The pickle by the grace of God gave him the mental and physical strength to live on.
The other, perpetuated in Berrien Springs, MI, is a medieval tale of two Spanish boys traveling home from boarding school for the holidays. When they stopped at an inn for the night, the innkeeper, a mean and evil man, stuffed the boys into a pickle barrel. That evening, St. Nicholas stopped at the same inn, became aware of the boys' plight, tapped the pickle barrel with his staff, and the boys were magically freed.
Berrien Springs calls itself the Christmas Pickle Capital of the World. They celebrate with an annual Christmas Pickle Festival held during the early part of December. A parade, led by the Grand Dillmeister who passes out fresh pickles along the parade route, is the featured event. You may even purchase the German glass pickle ornaments at the town’s museum.
Rumor and speculation place the origin of this tradition in Germany. However few in modern-day Germany recognize or have even heard of the Christmas pickle. Some in West Germany blame generations of East Germans who may have had nothing more than pickles to decorate their Christmas trees with after World War II. But even families and historians in East Germany shrug at the mention of the Christmas pickle tradition.
Regardless of where it came from, the Christmas tradition survives. Ornament manufacturers continue to make the specialty decoration and enjoy perpetuating the myth of its legendary origins -- false though they may be.
(taken from
Bennett's mom got us this ornament yesterday, so we are now the proud owners of a glass pickle ornament, and a new tradition begins.
Anyway, only one thing left to say.... GO GATORS!!! pickle.
Doughnuts and the Macy's Parade
There is a lot I have to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.
But there are a couple of things that I always remember doing as my sister and I were growing up, and I will share these memories as my Thanksgiving.
We'll start with Thanksgiving morning; We would get doughnuts and watch the Parade. I know it sounds lame, but it really was tradition. I remember when Dad, Jenn and I would go to Dunkin Donuts on Johnson's Ferry while Mom started Thanksgiving dinner and we would get all kinds of doughnuts.
Christmas Eve: We would go to church, then drive around the neighborhood next to ours and look at Christmas lights. We would come home, change out of our church clothes and have appetizers (the ones I remember most are the cheese ball and shrimp), and open our presents.
I remember when my sister and I were playing in the garage next to my dad's BMW and we spilled boxes on it. He wasn't happy.
My dad has all these videos of me and my sister playing on Christmas morning with all our new toys; I remember the ET doll that my sister had. I remember all the Barbies that we had (and even cutting their hair.)
So on this Thanksgiving, I am thankful for my fiance, my friends, my family, my job, the people I work with...but what I'm most thankful for is my memories and that I had a family who was awesome enough to let me have all of them.
Happy Thanksgiving!
But there are a couple of things that I always remember doing as my sister and I were growing up, and I will share these memories as my Thanksgiving.
We'll start with Thanksgiving morning; We would get doughnuts and watch the Parade. I know it sounds lame, but it really was tradition. I remember when Dad, Jenn and I would go to Dunkin Donuts on Johnson's Ferry while Mom started Thanksgiving dinner and we would get all kinds of doughnuts.
Christmas Eve: We would go to church, then drive around the neighborhood next to ours and look at Christmas lights. We would come home, change out of our church clothes and have appetizers (the ones I remember most are the cheese ball and shrimp), and open our presents.
I remember when my sister and I were playing in the garage next to my dad's BMW and we spilled boxes on it. He wasn't happy.
My dad has all these videos of me and my sister playing on Christmas morning with all our new toys; I remember the ET doll that my sister had. I remember all the Barbies that we had (and even cutting their hair.)
So on this Thanksgiving, I am thankful for my fiance, my friends, my family, my job, the people I work with...but what I'm most thankful for is my memories and that I had a family who was awesome enough to let me have all of them.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Woo Girl
So last week Bennett and I were watching one of the best shows on TV; How I met your mother. And they had these girls on there (the party ones, the ones that wear cowboy hats and like sparkles), and they were called Woo Girls.
Hi, my name is Laura and I'm a woo girl. You know the girl in the bar that after you take a shot, she goes "woo". Yeah, unfortunately that's me. And unfortunately it makes me be friends with people I don't want to be friends with, i.e., Bennett's first girl friend. But you put a little champagne in me, then I am a woo girl making friends with Bennett's first.
But oh well. I guess being a woo girl isn't so bad; I mean sparkles are fun, and sometimes a cowboy hat is fun to wear, and shots with the girls followed by a woo are always fun.
So things are good here; going to the gump for Thanksgiving, and I'm making the deviled eggs. Can't wait.
Hi, my name is Laura and I'm a woo girl. You know the girl in the bar that after you take a shot, she goes "woo". Yeah, unfortunately that's me. And unfortunately it makes me be friends with people I don't want to be friends with, i.e., Bennett's first girl friend. But you put a little champagne in me, then I am a woo girl making friends with Bennett's first.
But oh well. I guess being a woo girl isn't so bad; I mean sparkles are fun, and sometimes a cowboy hat is fun to wear, and shots with the girls followed by a woo are always fun.
So things are good here; going to the gump for Thanksgiving, and I'm making the deviled eggs. Can't wait.
All Grown Up
Last weekend Robin got married; in a few months she will be having a baby. It's weird to think of how much we've all grown up. Just saying the phrase, Robin is married, and she is no longer Robin Cantrell, but Robin Ballard. It's just all so strange. It just seems like yesterday that we were in high school, going to Pope's dumb football games, driving to school in the morning with 311 blasting. Seeing Liz and Heather and Brett and Deanna all at Robin's wedding made it even the more clear that we are growing up. We are NOT the same people we were in high school.
I am getting married in 7 months. Even that sounds weird to say. That I could find someone so amazing who wants to spend his entire life with me. I don't know where I would be right now without Bennett. He is what gets me through every day; he is why I scream at every driver when I'm on my way home, just so I can spend an extra minute or two with him. I love that there is someone in the world who knows everything about me and loves me anyway. I will never be able to express how grateful I am that he is in my life.
Next weekend we have another wedding to go to (yet another sign that everyone is growing up), this time in Montgomery. This time it'll be Bennett's past and mini high school reunion. I don't know why I'm being so emotional about everything; could be that I'm sick and being at work on a Sunday with nothing to do allows you the time to think about everything.
I don't know.... I am happy. I really really am.
I am getting married in 7 months. Even that sounds weird to say. That I could find someone so amazing who wants to spend his entire life with me. I don't know where I would be right now without Bennett. He is what gets me through every day; he is why I scream at every driver when I'm on my way home, just so I can spend an extra minute or two with him. I love that there is someone in the world who knows everything about me and loves me anyway. I will never be able to express how grateful I am that he is in my life.
Next weekend we have another wedding to go to (yet another sign that everyone is growing up), this time in Montgomery. This time it'll be Bennett's past and mini high school reunion. I don't know why I'm being so emotional about everything; could be that I'm sick and being at work on a Sunday with nothing to do allows you the time to think about everything.
I don't know.... I am happy. I really really am.
Better than Dead
So, that's basically all I'm better than these days. I all of a sudden feel not worthy of much; my wedding photographer made Bennett feel like a rockstar, and I was just in the background. I mean I know I'm not a photogenic person, but there is no need to make me feel any uglier than I feel.
Then Bennett keeps getting all these offers from schools to go to; while my GMAT score is too bad for anyone even to stop and look at anything else. So kids, morale of the story? Don't study in school. It does you no good to graduate cum laude if you can't do well on some stupid test. Bennett doesn't understand that it makes me feel like I wasted not only my high school years studying, but my college years as well.
It just pisses me off and he doesn't understand any of it. Nothing is going right.
Then Bennett keeps getting all these offers from schools to go to; while my GMAT score is too bad for anyone even to stop and look at anything else. So kids, morale of the story? Don't study in school. It does you no good to graduate cum laude if you can't do well on some stupid test. Bennett doesn't understand that it makes me feel like I wasted not only my high school years studying, but my college years as well.
It just pisses me off and he doesn't understand any of it. Nothing is going right.
Long time
I know it's been forever since I've written in here; I've been a busy busy girl lately. Not really; same as always, I guess. Except for now, I'm working 2 days a week at oxmoor, and they're thinking about making it permanent after they hire a replacement. Which is fine with me; I guess it's what I need to do to try to get a promotion.
Bennett and I took the GMAT; he was the genius that he is, and me, not so much. I will probably end up taking it again, but thank God I did well in undergrad, because UAB will let me in based on my undergrad GPA, and not have to take the GMAT for a full two terms. Which is good, because I did bad.
I don't standardize test well at all. I never have; I cannot conjure up stuff like Bennett can from sophomore year in high school. He's like, well then how come you do so well in college on tests. Simple. I was just taught this stuff. I didn't have to remember way back 5+ years for it. Oh well. It's just a test, and even though we now know who the smarter of the two is, I think we'll still both be able to make it to grad school.
The only other thing I can think to write about is Auburn football, and that is so not even worth talking about. We went last weekend to the Arkansas game; Bennett took me to cheer me up after mr. awful gmat, but even that couldn't cheer me up, because we lost. To the worst team in the SEC. The only thing we have to look forward to is hopefully beating bama and destroying their chances of a national championship. That's all.
It seems as though everything lately has been going ok; I still drift back to what would have happened to me had I become a writer. And even then, my writing would probably not have been good enough to be published. I ripped up my GMAT paper after the exam, so I can't even check my writing scores, not like I want to. And I'm certainly not calling up anybody to have them tell me my code to get on and see that I truly am an idiot. Pass.
Oh well. We'll see about this grad school thing; I want it to happen, but I just don't know if I want it that bad...
Bennett and I took the GMAT; he was the genius that he is, and me, not so much. I will probably end up taking it again, but thank God I did well in undergrad, because UAB will let me in based on my undergrad GPA, and not have to take the GMAT for a full two terms. Which is good, because I did bad.
I don't standardize test well at all. I never have; I cannot conjure up stuff like Bennett can from sophomore year in high school. He's like, well then how come you do so well in college on tests. Simple. I was just taught this stuff. I didn't have to remember way back 5+ years for it. Oh well. It's just a test, and even though we now know who the smarter of the two is, I think we'll still both be able to make it to grad school.
The only other thing I can think to write about is Auburn football, and that is so not even worth talking about. We went last weekend to the Arkansas game; Bennett took me to cheer me up after mr. awful gmat, but even that couldn't cheer me up, because we lost. To the worst team in the SEC. The only thing we have to look forward to is hopefully beating bama and destroying their chances of a national championship. That's all.
It seems as though everything lately has been going ok; I still drift back to what would have happened to me had I become a writer. And even then, my writing would probably not have been good enough to be published. I ripped up my GMAT paper after the exam, so I can't even check my writing scores, not like I want to. And I'm certainly not calling up anybody to have them tell me my code to get on and see that I truly am an idiot. Pass.
Oh well. We'll see about this grad school thing; I want it to happen, but I just don't know if I want it that bad...
That's Just the Way It Is
So in the past week or so I've noticed that life is completely unfair; not only do people who have less experience than you pass you for promotions, but they do it in a way that makes me feel like I'm the worst employee they've ever had.
When I first heard the news I was furious, and as the days passed and the crying subsided, I got over it. It still stings, and I'm still reminded of it every day I go to work, but life goes on I guess. Life isn't fair, so why would I expect anything in my professional life to be so?
It just makes me angry to think of all the hard work I've put into learning this business; a city girl coming to play with the trucks, get dirty, deal with drivers, and handle a profession dominated by males. I have put so much of myself into this job; I have done so much more than has been asked of me, but it never seems to be enough. It's frustrating, really and truly frustrating.
But to speak of better things, Auburn Football! We are now 2-0, and have established a starting QB. (which makes me happy, because I always knew Kodi Burns was overrated). We looked much better yesterday minus the fumbles, which thankfully for us, we were playing Southern Miss and not LSU, or Tennessee or Georgia or anyone else who would have taken those fumbles and scored with them.
Anyway, I've really needed to vent that for awhile; writing always seemed to serve as a good listener. Oh well... later.
When I first heard the news I was furious, and as the days passed and the crying subsided, I got over it. It still stings, and I'm still reminded of it every day I go to work, but life goes on I guess. Life isn't fair, so why would I expect anything in my professional life to be so?
It just makes me angry to think of all the hard work I've put into learning this business; a city girl coming to play with the trucks, get dirty, deal with drivers, and handle a profession dominated by males. I have put so much of myself into this job; I have done so much more than has been asked of me, but it never seems to be enough. It's frustrating, really and truly frustrating.
But to speak of better things, Auburn Football! We are now 2-0, and have established a starting QB. (which makes me happy, because I always knew Kodi Burns was overrated). We looked much better yesterday minus the fumbles, which thankfully for us, we were playing Southern Miss and not LSU, or Tennessee or Georgia or anyone else who would have taken those fumbles and scored with them.
Anyway, I've really needed to vent that for awhile; writing always seemed to serve as a good listener. Oh well... later.
Dream the Dream
So, this is the first time since the '96 Olympics that I've actually cared about them, and I'm hooked! I love watching them! Bennett suggested it's because we're older and we really don't have anything better to do, but I can't even remember being this hooked, even in '96, when it was right in our backyard.
I really do think that phelps is awesome, and I really love how nastia and shawn are pretty awesome too. All of this makes me can't wait for the winter olympics and curling!!
Anyway, it's been another slow and lonely day down here at 280. There's a whole lot going on with this, that I'm really making so many doctor's appointments! It's crazy, but hopefully I'll get my prescription filled soon (ahh, brings you back to the old days of yellow, doesn't it steven?) It really is only 430, and I really do have an hour and a half left. At least in the days of yore, this place opened up at 10, and you only had to work till 6, but now it's open at 730, and when they don't care about you, you wind up here from 7-6, with no lunch break or anyone to talk to.
Everything is still coming along ok with the wedding: booked our photography, and our save-the-dates should come in this week, and we're getting our engagement photos done this weekend (hopefully if that tropical storm thing stays away) I'm really trying to be creative with some do-it-yourself stuff. I'll be putting the programs together myself (I'm a perfectionist, and yes I have thought all of this stuff up way in advance), and possibly the invites. My sister will be addresssing them, because her handwriting is way prettier than mine.
Speaking of Juney she will be here in about two weeks or so!! Hooray! Can't wait for her to come down and hang out! Anyway, that and next weekend is the John Mayer concert + AU football. Really couldn't get much better than it's gonna be for the next 3 weekends!
That is all.....
I really do think that phelps is awesome, and I really love how nastia and shawn are pretty awesome too. All of this makes me can't wait for the winter olympics and curling!!
Anyway, it's been another slow and lonely day down here at 280. There's a whole lot going on with this, that I'm really making so many doctor's appointments! It's crazy, but hopefully I'll get my prescription filled soon (ahh, brings you back to the old days of yellow, doesn't it steven?) It really is only 430, and I really do have an hour and a half left. At least in the days of yore, this place opened up at 10, and you only had to work till 6, but now it's open at 730, and when they don't care about you, you wind up here from 7-6, with no lunch break or anyone to talk to.
Everything is still coming along ok with the wedding: booked our photography, and our save-the-dates should come in this week, and we're getting our engagement photos done this weekend (hopefully if that tropical storm thing stays away) I'm really trying to be creative with some do-it-yourself stuff. I'll be putting the programs together myself (I'm a perfectionist, and yes I have thought all of this stuff up way in advance), and possibly the invites. My sister will be addresssing them, because her handwriting is way prettier than mine.
Speaking of Juney she will be here in about two weeks or so!! Hooray! Can't wait for her to come down and hang out! Anyway, that and next weekend is the John Mayer concert + AU football. Really couldn't get much better than it's gonna be for the next 3 weekends!
That is all.....
The new apt, wedding planning, etc.
So Bennett and I are finally moved in to our new apartment. It's still a little messy around there; and we're still waiting on cable/dish network, whichever we're going to need, so my day off tomorrow probably will be filled with much movie watching.
Let me tell you that tomorrow is the most deserved day off I have had in a while. This week has been one thing after another, and I still don't think I'm fully recovered from the move. I haven't been able to stay up at past 930 at all this week, and I just feel weird. My body isn't so much achy like it was on sunday, but I'm very very tired.
So the new apartment is really nice; I'm fully done with the old barrio that I used to live in. It takes a shorter amount of time to go to work, and a shorter amount of time to get home from work. And now, when I'm further away from 280 is when they make me work here. ALone, of course, even though apparently Matt has the schedule of someone who's been working here for 2 years. Oh wait, he's only been here a few months. No, I'm not bitter or anything.
From the last time I've written in here, things for the wedding have been falling into place. We think we found our photographer last night; she's super sweet and friendly, so I'm going to book her ASAP. And we have our save-the-dates ordered, and we're looking at invitations. I have the favors and programs figured out (both being assembled by yours truly. I can be a creative genius when I want to be...) So even though it's mostly planned out, I'm still pretty stressed about it. I'm just afraid of how it's all going to come together...
Oh well, have another 10 months to worry about it I suppose...catch ya'll later.
Let me tell you that tomorrow is the most deserved day off I have had in a while. This week has been one thing after another, and I still don't think I'm fully recovered from the move. I haven't been able to stay up at past 930 at all this week, and I just feel weird. My body isn't so much achy like it was on sunday, but I'm very very tired.
So the new apartment is really nice; I'm fully done with the old barrio that I used to live in. It takes a shorter amount of time to go to work, and a shorter amount of time to get home from work. And now, when I'm further away from 280 is when they make me work here. ALone, of course, even though apparently Matt has the schedule of someone who's been working here for 2 years. Oh wait, he's only been here a few months. No, I'm not bitter or anything.
From the last time I've written in here, things for the wedding have been falling into place. We think we found our photographer last night; she's super sweet and friendly, so I'm going to book her ASAP. And we have our save-the-dates ordered, and we're looking at invitations. I have the favors and programs figured out (both being assembled by yours truly. I can be a creative genius when I want to be...) So even though it's mostly planned out, I'm still pretty stressed about it. I'm just afraid of how it's all going to come together...
Oh well, have another 10 months to worry about it I suppose...catch ya'll later.
Moving Sucks
I am so dreading getting off work today, just like I am dreading this upcoming Saturday. Bennett and I are moving. And not only just does moving suck on its own, but it sucks even more when it's 95 degrees outside with a heat index of 105. The only good thing in all of this moving thing, okay, well maybe two, is that our new place is on the ground floor, and my dad is coming into town to help. Other than that, getting that great yellow truck and getting everything out of their boxes is NOT going to be fun.
This weekend, however, was very fun. We celebrated Bennett's birthday (which is today) on Friday night so we could actually go out, because Saturday night Laura has to be in bed early to hang out with those great yellow trucks on Sunday. So we meet up with DC and go get Mexican, then decided to go to Barking Kudu, not because there was anything going on, but because it is one of the few bars that has cigars. So we go there, meet up with some of their friends, DJ and Sarah (who BTW, these people are awesome), and then go to Blue Monkey. From there I was forced to take a shot on the piano with everyone watching. Fun thing about this was, I wasn't allowed to use my hands. I won't even go into the details of the name of the shot (think, Bennett's initials), but I did it. Liquor came out of my was embarassing, but oh well. From there we went to this bar called Bailey's. Never been to this one before, but we went to meet up with the Laura Hater Club, because they were in town for a friend's wedding. I basically said hi to one of the members, and the other refused to even look at me and/or talk or congratulate me on the engagement. Which is fine, because for some reason, I don't think I will ever get along with this kid. Maybe because I'm not Bennett's ex? Or maybe because he's just mean-spirited and doesn't want to get along with me....who knows, but I'm over it.
I danced with Caitlin most of the night in front of the Cajun band. They were fun. Took Bennett out for sushi for his birthday dinner last night, and birthday festivities continue tonight with a showing of the new Batman. He's broke me this weekend, but oh well, I was already broke I guess....
Anyway, that is all, looking forward to getting out of here in 20 mins. Happy Birthday Bennett!
This weekend, however, was very fun. We celebrated Bennett's birthday (which is today) on Friday night so we could actually go out, because Saturday night Laura has to be in bed early to hang out with those great yellow trucks on Sunday. So we meet up with DC and go get Mexican, then decided to go to Barking Kudu, not because there was anything going on, but because it is one of the few bars that has cigars. So we go there, meet up with some of their friends, DJ and Sarah (who BTW, these people are awesome), and then go to Blue Monkey. From there I was forced to take a shot on the piano with everyone watching. Fun thing about this was, I wasn't allowed to use my hands. I won't even go into the details of the name of the shot (think, Bennett's initials), but I did it. Liquor came out of my was embarassing, but oh well. From there we went to this bar called Bailey's. Never been to this one before, but we went to meet up with the Laura Hater Club, because they were in town for a friend's wedding. I basically said hi to one of the members, and the other refused to even look at me and/or talk or congratulate me on the engagement. Which is fine, because for some reason, I don't think I will ever get along with this kid. Maybe because I'm not Bennett's ex? Or maybe because he's just mean-spirited and doesn't want to get along with me....who knows, but I'm over it.
I danced with Caitlin most of the night in front of the Cajun band. They were fun. Took Bennett out for sushi for his birthday dinner last night, and birthday festivities continue tonight with a showing of the new Batman. He's broke me this weekend, but oh well, I was already broke I guess....
Anyway, that is all, looking forward to getting out of here in 20 mins. Happy Birthday Bennett!
I will not risk it.
So, as of Thursday night, we have the time and place, and date of the wedding. I'm very proud of me and Bennett for jumping on this as quick as we could, and getting things ready before all the good dates are taken up.
We will be wed at Gabrella Manor at 7pm on July 27, 2009. It feels so weird saying that. Like I am actually getting married. I will be in a big white dress heading down the aisle toward my baby, probably crying my eyes out, and I will be married to Mr. Bennett James. The reality of all of it has yet to sink in. I actually bought the dress already, and a huge weight was lifted. It was the last time my mom would be able to come down, so even though I know I bought the dress a little early (on time according to all the books and website schedules), I knew I wanted my mom there when I bought it.
It's so crazy to think about all of this, and even though I'm happy to have an actual wedding, I would be happy if it were just us two in an Elvis chapel in Vegas. I love him so so much, and I'm so glad that he wants to marry me.
Marry me. Ha. Sounds so weird.
We will be wed at Gabrella Manor at 7pm on July 27, 2009. It feels so weird saying that. Like I am actually getting married. I will be in a big white dress heading down the aisle toward my baby, probably crying my eyes out, and I will be married to Mr. Bennett James. The reality of all of it has yet to sink in. I actually bought the dress already, and a huge weight was lifted. It was the last time my mom would be able to come down, so even though I know I bought the dress a little early (on time according to all the books and website schedules), I knew I wanted my mom there when I bought it.
It's so crazy to think about all of this, and even though I'm happy to have an actual wedding, I would be happy if it were just us two in an Elvis chapel in Vegas. I love him so so much, and I'm so glad that he wants to marry me.
Marry me. Ha. Sounds so weird.
Stressed to the Max.
So who didn't know that wedding planning eventually stopped being fun and started being stressful? I mean it's fun looking at dresses, and colors for the maids, and flowers and everything else. But it's not fun figuring out the guest list, budget, where and when, who will marry us, on top of trying to make everyone happy.
Everyone so far has said, make yourself happy, don't sell yourself short on your big day, blah blah. I am a little worried about the budget thing. One wouldn't think that getting married in Birmingham, Alabama would be expensive, but we're finding out that it will definitely cost an arm and a leg. Maybe all four.
We have semi-decided on a date: June 6, 2009. This is only tentative, as I'm sure it will change due to everything else that has to take place before picking a date. I keep thinking to myself that this is too much, and I just want to enjoy my time being engaged to Bennett, and I don't want to think about all the stress (moving in two weeks, wedding planning, trying to get into grad school), and I just want to cuddle into bennett and watch movies forever.
So at least we have a kinda date. Yeah, that's what we'll call it for now, the kinda date. And the color pink. Oh yeah, Laura couldn't have a wedding without the color pink.
Everyone so far has said, make yourself happy, don't sell yourself short on your big day, blah blah. I am a little worried about the budget thing. One wouldn't think that getting married in Birmingham, Alabama would be expensive, but we're finding out that it will definitely cost an arm and a leg. Maybe all four.
We have semi-decided on a date: June 6, 2009. This is only tentative, as I'm sure it will change due to everything else that has to take place before picking a date. I keep thinking to myself that this is too much, and I just want to enjoy my time being engaged to Bennett, and I don't want to think about all the stress (moving in two weeks, wedding planning, trying to get into grad school), and I just want to cuddle into bennett and watch movies forever.
So at least we have a kinda date. Yeah, that's what we'll call it for now, the kinda date. And the color pink. Oh yeah, Laura couldn't have a wedding without the color pink.
Mrs. Laura Ann James
So, as most of you people who read this already know, I am engaged. I have a fiancee. I can't freakin believe it. I couldn't be more happy than to be able to say I am going to marry Bennett.
I will, because some of you don't know the whole story, retell it. I love this story. And everytime I think about it, I cry. SO hopefully, A. that will wear off, and B. I will try not to cry all over the keyboard.
So it was the fourth of july. Bennett knows that I love fireworks. He wanted to go someplace different than we went last year to watch the big show over Vulcan. So we go to some parking lot, and he goes off to get us some dinner. So as soon as we heard that it was the fireworks finale, he made me stand up. Then he got smack in front of me. And I'm like WTF, the fireworks. He was like, how are you going to make me come back to this every year? And I'm moving my head around trying to watch the fireworks, and I say, I'm your girlfriend, you have to. And then he said, "well how about if you're my wife?" Got down on one knee, and just said "will you marry me?" No elaborate speeches, nothing. And it was perfect. Oh, it was so perfect. I've never been so happy to be with someone ever. I just wanted to tell the story to everyone. It was something that was incredibly special to me, and I wanted to share.
Thank you all for the congratulations. I will keep everyone posted on details as soon as I come off cloud nine to discuss them...
I will, because some of you don't know the whole story, retell it. I love this story. And everytime I think about it, I cry. SO hopefully, A. that will wear off, and B. I will try not to cry all over the keyboard.
So it was the fourth of july. Bennett knows that I love fireworks. He wanted to go someplace different than we went last year to watch the big show over Vulcan. So we go to some parking lot, and he goes off to get us some dinner. So as soon as we heard that it was the fireworks finale, he made me stand up. Then he got smack in front of me. And I'm like WTF, the fireworks. He was like, how are you going to make me come back to this every year? And I'm moving my head around trying to watch the fireworks, and I say, I'm your girlfriend, you have to. And then he said, "well how about if you're my wife?" Got down on one knee, and just said "will you marry me?" No elaborate speeches, nothing. And it was perfect. Oh, it was so perfect. I've never been so happy to be with someone ever. I just wanted to tell the story to everyone. It was something that was incredibly special to me, and I wanted to share.
Thank you all for the congratulations. I will keep everyone posted on details as soon as I come off cloud nine to discuss them...
Happy July!
Sweet. I am so glad that my schedule allows me to be off on the fourth. But seriously, even if I wasn't, there is no way that they would pay me time and a half to work it, so basically I was getting it off either way.
But there is only one more work day till my glorious weekend. I can't wait. This has been a week to forget for sure. I can't wait to hang out at the pool all day, and watch fireworks at night. I love fireworks. I made up a little song about them, and bennett doesn't want me singing it anymore.
Really think about it; there are two days out of the year that fireworks are normal. There is New Year's....and the 4th. There's the occasional friday night braves game, or memorial day if you're at the lake, but that's it. So that is why I love fireworks so much. And last year they had smiley face ones, so I'm pretty excited about that.
Anyway other than that, just have to make it through one more day. And then it's off to DC's tomorrow night, and pool all day Friday.
But there is only one more work day till my glorious weekend. I can't wait. This has been a week to forget for sure. I can't wait to hang out at the pool all day, and watch fireworks at night. I love fireworks. I made up a little song about them, and bennett doesn't want me singing it anymore.
Really think about it; there are two days out of the year that fireworks are normal. There is New Year's....and the 4th. There's the occasional friday night braves game, or memorial day if you're at the lake, but that's it. So that is why I love fireworks so much. And last year they had smiley face ones, so I'm pretty excited about that.
Anyway other than that, just have to make it through one more day. And then it's off to DC's tomorrow night, and pool all day Friday.
I wish it would Rain.
So it has been another fun filled Sunday at Oxmoor. This really is the least favorite of the places on Sunday. It's supposed to be a relaxed, chilled-out day, but it never really is. And having foreign people scream in your face for doing your job is not really all that fun either. But I stood up for myself, and I was proud.
Friday was a blast. Went to Cajun Steamer for the first time, and their food was fantastic. Had some kind of shrimp thing that was super spicy. Ended up going back to DC's for some drinks and chattime. The boys played cards, while C and I talked on her porch. They have the most awesome patio thing. It overlooks Birmingham, and has the magical power of making Birmingham look pretty. We talked forever, and when we finally decided to go check on the boys, it was 4 o clock in the morning.
Yesterday was kind of a lazy day. Stayed in our pajama's pretty much all day; made our own pizza for dinner which was kinda cool. We've gotten into this habit of making a menu for the week; to save money. If we force ourselves to eat at home every night, then that saves us a ton of money. Last Friday was the first time we'd eaten out in awhile. It actually isn't that hard to limit the fast food intake.
I have finally cracked the 10-minute mile. I am on my way to getting to try to do more than one mile in one sitting. Our goal for next year is to enter into a 5k, then maybe getting a little more challenge in the form of a 10k sometime thereafter. It's the first time I've actually set a kind of "fitness" goal. Makes me feel all special.
Anyway, one hour left to go, and then I'm headed home. Thank God.
Friday was a blast. Went to Cajun Steamer for the first time, and their food was fantastic. Had some kind of shrimp thing that was super spicy. Ended up going back to DC's for some drinks and chattime. The boys played cards, while C and I talked on her porch. They have the most awesome patio thing. It overlooks Birmingham, and has the magical power of making Birmingham look pretty. We talked forever, and when we finally decided to go check on the boys, it was 4 o clock in the morning.
Yesterday was kind of a lazy day. Stayed in our pajama's pretty much all day; made our own pizza for dinner which was kinda cool. We've gotten into this habit of making a menu for the week; to save money. If we force ourselves to eat at home every night, then that saves us a ton of money. Last Friday was the first time we'd eaten out in awhile. It actually isn't that hard to limit the fast food intake.
I have finally cracked the 10-minute mile. I am on my way to getting to try to do more than one mile in one sitting. Our goal for next year is to enter into a 5k, then maybe getting a little more challenge in the form of a 10k sometime thereafter. It's the first time I've actually set a kind of "fitness" goal. Makes me feel all special.
Anyway, one hour left to go, and then I'm headed home. Thank God.
Time's A Wastin
So today at lovely work, our computer system has been down since 9 AM. This basically means that I have been doing hardly anything for 7 hours. And I will continue to not be able to do anything probably until tomorrow when the system decides to come back up. But we'll see, I suppose.
The past couple of weekends have been great. Hanging out with DC. They came over for dinner at Bennett's house this past Saturday and we drank just a little too much. But it was great fun; chicken fighting in the pool (which we all regretted later. At least the boys did; didn't really appreciate us girls on their shoulders I suppose), playing games, and eating lasagna, drinking bourbon and sprite.
It really is great to finally have a girl friend again. Makes my life feel so complete. Bennett and I officially move into our apartment together on the 24th of July. It's going to be so great. I absolutely cannot wait to be able to be living with him.
He is definitely "the one"
The past couple of weekends have been great. Hanging out with DC. They came over for dinner at Bennett's house this past Saturday and we drank just a little too much. But it was great fun; chicken fighting in the pool (which we all regretted later. At least the boys did; didn't really appreciate us girls on their shoulders I suppose), playing games, and eating lasagna, drinking bourbon and sprite.
It really is great to finally have a girl friend again. Makes my life feel so complete. Bennett and I officially move into our apartment together on the 24th of July. It's going to be so great. I absolutely cannot wait to be able to be living with him.
He is definitely "the one"
Perfect Night of Fun
So I finally saw the sex and the city movie yesterday. I feel so much better having everything all tied up. And I'm seriously jealous of these blue blahniks that were in the movie. They were so cute. I could never afford them we'll move on.
Caitlin and I met up and the theater to have some SATC fun with buttery popcorn and twizzlers of course. I just can't believe that I finally saw it, and now it's over for real.
So afterward, Bennett and I had plans to go to City Stages to see Citizen Cope and Old Crow Medicine Show. Went to Innisfree for a drink, and Dan and Caitlin (who I will refer to now and always as DC), called us up and were like come over and see our new place so we did. And they ended up getting free tickets too, so we all went down there. Had the biggest corn dog known to man, and had fun listening to the music. So instead of going home like good boys and girls, because DC were driving home in the morning, and I had to work, we go back to their apartment again and drink some more. Then we're like, well, let's go to the pool, even though it was supposed to be closed. We did, and then the cop came. He was like, did you not see this sign right here that says the pool is closed at 10:30, and it's almost 2? There was only one other incident that I've had with a cop and a pool. And I was underage then, so I was a little more scared then. I guess this guy could have done whatever he wanted, but we weren't making any noise, so he let us on our merry way.
Finally got to bed at like 3, forgot to set my alarm clock, and by some magical something, I woke up at 6. That could have been a disaster....
Looks like we'll be going to city stages again tonight....bennett's going home for father's day tomorrow and I'm sure I'll sleep the day away.
Aside from the blood clots, life couldn't get much better than it is right now.
Caitlin and I met up and the theater to have some SATC fun with buttery popcorn and twizzlers of course. I just can't believe that I finally saw it, and now it's over for real.
So afterward, Bennett and I had plans to go to City Stages to see Citizen Cope and Old Crow Medicine Show. Went to Innisfree for a drink, and Dan and Caitlin (who I will refer to now and always as DC), called us up and were like come over and see our new place so we did. And they ended up getting free tickets too, so we all went down there. Had the biggest corn dog known to man, and had fun listening to the music. So instead of going home like good boys and girls, because DC were driving home in the morning, and I had to work, we go back to their apartment again and drink some more. Then we're like, well, let's go to the pool, even though it was supposed to be closed. We did, and then the cop came. He was like, did you not see this sign right here that says the pool is closed at 10:30, and it's almost 2? There was only one other incident that I've had with a cop and a pool. And I was underage then, so I was a little more scared then. I guess this guy could have done whatever he wanted, but we weren't making any noise, so he let us on our merry way.
Finally got to bed at like 3, forgot to set my alarm clock, and by some magical something, I woke up at 6. That could have been a disaster....
Looks like we'll be going to city stages again tonight....bennett's going home for father's day tomorrow and I'm sure I'll sleep the day away.
Aside from the blood clots, life couldn't get much better than it is right now.
That's how it goes...
this will be a super short entry. I don't have a lot to say.
today's happy list contribution: daisies.
today's happy list contribution: daisies.
Grandma's B-day Party
This weekend, Bennett and I short-tripped it up to Lincolnton, NC for my Grandmother's 90th (yes 90 years old!!!) birthday party. I owe him big for doing that with me, but we'll get to more of that later....
This weekend started out horribly, with Friday of course being the worst day. So I wake up and I go to the gym, and I am SOOO proud of myself, because on Friday, for the first time in my life I ran a mile without stopping. I ran the whole thing. I didn't run very fast (finished the mile in under 14 minutes though, which, is a huge accomplishment for me!), but I did it. I was so super proud of myself, and I was gonna rush home and tell Bennett that I finally did it, and then there is a message from my doc. He's all like your blood is all messed up, blah blah, but to make a long story short, I had to go get some more blood drawn (my arms look like I shoot up on a consistent basis), and sit in that hospital forever. Then to make matters even worse, Target pissed me off. Which is almost the impossible task, because I LOVE target. But for some reason, their stupid printer isn't working with the pictures. I am so upset, because I was in a very creative mood and I wanted to start a scrapbook for them.
And on top of all that, I wanted to stop by Caitlin's new place to say hey,and show her the pictures I do have. Did any of this happen? No. By the time I got done with the blood drawing, and the no picture having, and the getting ready to go to NC, it was 2 o'clock, and time to pick Bennett up. I was in a pissy mood, and driving six hours really wasn't going to help it. But we got up there and all was ok. Hooray for semi-road trips with Bennett.
Anyway, I knew that this thing was going to be awkward. I haven't seen half of these people in years, and half of them I had never met. I have more family that I don't know where they came from than anyone I know, I think. I didn't recognize anyone, and it was like I was the black sheep. But not really, because Lincolnton, NC isn't all that of a happenin place. I had second cousins with four kids and no husband. I'm not knockin on them, but it was a pretty big shock to me. Yeah, East Cobb snob turned Birmingham snob.
So now, I'm at work, mad, because if my pictures aren't ready today, something bad is going to happen. Probably not. I am making another attempt at this running a mile without stopping..
Today's happy list addition: Cherry Coke Zero.
This weekend started out horribly, with Friday of course being the worst day. So I wake up and I go to the gym, and I am SOOO proud of myself, because on Friday, for the first time in my life I ran a mile without stopping. I ran the whole thing. I didn't run very fast (finished the mile in under 14 minutes though, which, is a huge accomplishment for me!), but I did it. I was so super proud of myself, and I was gonna rush home and tell Bennett that I finally did it, and then there is a message from my doc. He's all like your blood is all messed up, blah blah, but to make a long story short, I had to go get some more blood drawn (my arms look like I shoot up on a consistent basis), and sit in that hospital forever. Then to make matters even worse, Target pissed me off. Which is almost the impossible task, because I LOVE target. But for some reason, their stupid printer isn't working with the pictures. I am so upset, because I was in a very creative mood and I wanted to start a scrapbook for them.
And on top of all that, I wanted to stop by Caitlin's new place to say hey,and show her the pictures I do have. Did any of this happen? No. By the time I got done with the blood drawing, and the no picture having, and the getting ready to go to NC, it was 2 o'clock, and time to pick Bennett up. I was in a pissy mood, and driving six hours really wasn't going to help it. But we got up there and all was ok. Hooray for semi-road trips with Bennett.
Anyway, I knew that this thing was going to be awkward. I haven't seen half of these people in years, and half of them I had never met. I have more family that I don't know where they came from than anyone I know, I think. I didn't recognize anyone, and it was like I was the black sheep. But not really, because Lincolnton, NC isn't all that of a happenin place. I had second cousins with four kids and no husband. I'm not knockin on them, but it was a pretty big shock to me. Yeah, East Cobb snob turned Birmingham snob.
So now, I'm at work, mad, because if my pictures aren't ready today, something bad is going to happen. Probably not. I am making another attempt at this running a mile without stopping..
Today's happy list addition: Cherry Coke Zero.
Dinner with DC
I'm finding it easier and easier to add to my happy list: I don't think there's anything in the world that can make me unhappy right now!
Today's happy list contribution: my hair straightener.
So tonight Bennett and I are having dinner with Dan and Caitlin; bennett was dan's best man, and caitlin is super awesome. I'm so glad that they moved up here. They moved up here a couple weeks ago from montgomery, and I couldn't be happier that they're here. I finally have a girl to hang out with! And she's only going to be working a couple blocks away from me, so I'll have a lunch mate too!
They really are cool people, and I am looking forward to getting to know them better. This weekend, another weekend with something to do, we're going to my grandma's 90th birthday party. I don't really want to drive 6 hours for it, and 6 hours back, but I know it'll make her happy, so I'm gonna suck it up. And I don't want her to die without ever having met Bennett. She needs to meet him! wink.
Anyway, that's all for today. I'm holding down the fort at 28th street, so at least I won't be here till 6.
Today's happy list contribution: my hair straightener.
So tonight Bennett and I are having dinner with Dan and Caitlin; bennett was dan's best man, and caitlin is super awesome. I'm so glad that they moved up here. They moved up here a couple weeks ago from montgomery, and I couldn't be happier that they're here. I finally have a girl to hang out with! And she's only going to be working a couple blocks away from me, so I'll have a lunch mate too!
They really are cool people, and I am looking forward to getting to know them better. This weekend, another weekend with something to do, we're going to my grandma's 90th birthday party. I don't really want to drive 6 hours for it, and 6 hours back, but I know it'll make her happy, so I'm gonna suck it up. And I don't want her to die without ever having met Bennett. She needs to meet him! wink.
Anyway, that's all for today. I'm holding down the fort at 28th street, so at least I won't be here till 6.
You're not the perfect hand, but I don't hit on 19.
Except that sometimes I really think he is a 21!
I was reading through some blogs and absorbing some of the misery that people tend to write about, because most people only write when bad things happen to them, which I am guilty of a million times over. Read the prior xanga blog if you feel it necessary to not believe me. But then I came across this one girl's blog, and she wrote about how she made a happy list, and writes down something on it every day so she can be a glass-full kind of girl. So my one thing that makes me happy for today.....
Bennett. And I really mean it. I've become so mushy lately about him, but I think it's for good cause. He really and truly makes me happy. How can you go on vacation with someone for an entire week, spending every minute with them, and not be completely sick of them by the time you come back?
But I'm not. In fact, I miss it. When things are slow, we'll sometimes write emails back and forth to each other at work, mind you, keeping it in moderation so I don't get in trouble. I am absolutely crazy about this kid. I couldn't have asked for a better hand!
Oh! I'll make today's entry two happy things: John Mayer will be performing in Atlanta for his summer tour. I take back all the nasty things I said about him before his second leg was posted.
I was reading through some blogs and absorbing some of the misery that people tend to write about, because most people only write when bad things happen to them, which I am guilty of a million times over. Read the prior xanga blog if you feel it necessary to not believe me. But then I came across this one girl's blog, and she wrote about how she made a happy list, and writes down something on it every day so she can be a glass-full kind of girl. So my one thing that makes me happy for today.....
Bennett. And I really mean it. I've become so mushy lately about him, but I think it's for good cause. He really and truly makes me happy. How can you go on vacation with someone for an entire week, spending every minute with them, and not be completely sick of them by the time you come back?
But I'm not. In fact, I miss it. When things are slow, we'll sometimes write emails back and forth to each other at work, mind you, keeping it in moderation so I don't get in trouble. I am absolutely crazy about this kid. I couldn't have asked for a better hand!
Oh! I'll make today's entry two happy things: John Mayer will be performing in Atlanta for his summer tour. I take back all the nasty things I said about him before his second leg was posted.
Back to the Grind
I am finally back from my week long vacation of awesomeness. I never knew that I could spend so much time with someone and only want more when I got home.
We left out of Atlanta on the 25th, and went down to the beautiful island paradise of Aruba. Yes yes, the place made famous by a girl who didn't live too far from where i'm writing this very post. But this is not some crazy crime-ridden island; it could have happened anywhere. I won't bore everyone with all the little details, but I'll give some snippets, and possibly some pictures down the road.
Got into Aruba on Sunday, and since most places are closed on Sunday there, we went to this fun little restaurant called Mulligans. It sits close to a golf course and this thing called the Infinity Pool (which I will get to later,) and it was soo good. Went to bed early; everyone was tired from the traveling, but then the next day we were all up by 6. Went down to the beach all day, and had some dinner. Went to a grocery store, where we proceeded to buy the week's liquor. That night, between the four of us, we drank an entire bottle of tequila in margaritas. Needless to say we would not be getting up at 6 the next day.
So on Tuesday, we went to do some sightseeing. Just a little of it, then it was off to the beach. Then to Jimmy's for some bar fun. This guy Jimmy, he's Asian, and he rememberd my dad and step-mom from the last time they were there. We soon became good friends with Jimmy. Ahh, yes, Jimmy and his frozen concoctions. Wednesday, we did a little more sightseeing, and then it was shopping day in downtown Oranjestad. I really wanted to find an inexpensive yellow diamond ring, just for fun, but that didnt' happen. $6000 was the cheapest, so I said, yeah, nevermind. Didn't really buy a whole lot, but it was fun walking around.
Thursday....Bennett and Dad played golf, while I hit the beach. Yet again. They joined me later, and then it was followed by Bennett's and mine cooking day. We made lasagna ( I should say bennett did), and then some more drinking, and then picture taking time on the beach...
Friday...Baby beach. Snorkeling time! This place is well-known for it's great snorkeling, so that's what we did. Got back, went to the beach, then off to the casino! Bennett and I won a grand total of $12.50, but at least we didn't lose anything! We tried to understand the game of three card poker, but it was slightly confusing . Not like I really know how to play real poker to begin with. Oh, I think I got those days mixed up. I think Friday was Soprano's bar night. It was. Casino night was Thursday. Friday night we went on this thing called the Mi Dushi tour. It's on an old sail boat, and it was so much fun. Can you say open bar? Then after that, off to dinner, and then to the Soprano's bar. Fun stuff.
Saturday, Bennett and I went to the Infinity pool. IT's this gigantic pool with a slide and a swim-up bar. I had never gone to a pool with a bar in it, so I definitely had to check this out. Got a pina colada. yum. And then that night, we went to downtown oranjestad for some late night fun, but it wasn't really all that fun. We got ice cream and went home.
Ahhh, I miss it already. I want to go back. :(
We left out of Atlanta on the 25th, and went down to the beautiful island paradise of Aruba. Yes yes, the place made famous by a girl who didn't live too far from where i'm writing this very post. But this is not some crazy crime-ridden island; it could have happened anywhere. I won't bore everyone with all the little details, but I'll give some snippets, and possibly some pictures down the road.
Got into Aruba on Sunday, and since most places are closed on Sunday there, we went to this fun little restaurant called Mulligans. It sits close to a golf course and this thing called the Infinity Pool (which I will get to later,) and it was soo good. Went to bed early; everyone was tired from the traveling, but then the next day we were all up by 6. Went down to the beach all day, and had some dinner. Went to a grocery store, where we proceeded to buy the week's liquor. That night, between the four of us, we drank an entire bottle of tequila in margaritas. Needless to say we would not be getting up at 6 the next day.
So on Tuesday, we went to do some sightseeing. Just a little of it, then it was off to the beach. Then to Jimmy's for some bar fun. This guy Jimmy, he's Asian, and he rememberd my dad and step-mom from the last time they were there. We soon became good friends with Jimmy. Ahh, yes, Jimmy and his frozen concoctions. Wednesday, we did a little more sightseeing, and then it was shopping day in downtown Oranjestad. I really wanted to find an inexpensive yellow diamond ring, just for fun, but that didnt' happen. $6000 was the cheapest, so I said, yeah, nevermind. Didn't really buy a whole lot, but it was fun walking around.
Thursday....Bennett and Dad played golf, while I hit the beach. Yet again. They joined me later, and then it was followed by Bennett's and mine cooking day. We made lasagna ( I should say bennett did), and then some more drinking, and then picture taking time on the beach...
Friday...Baby beach. Snorkeling time! This place is well-known for it's great snorkeling, so that's what we did. Got back, went to the beach, then off to the casino! Bennett and I won a grand total of $12.50, but at least we didn't lose anything! We tried to understand the game of three card poker, but it was slightly confusing . Not like I really know how to play real poker to begin with. Oh, I think I got those days mixed up. I think Friday was Soprano's bar night. It was. Casino night was Thursday. Friday night we went on this thing called the Mi Dushi tour. It's on an old sail boat, and it was so much fun. Can you say open bar? Then after that, off to dinner, and then to the Soprano's bar. Fun stuff.
Saturday, Bennett and I went to the Infinity pool. IT's this gigantic pool with a slide and a swim-up bar. I had never gone to a pool with a bar in it, so I definitely had to check this out. Got a pina colada. yum. And then that night, we went to downtown oranjestad for some late night fun, but it wasn't really all that fun. We got ice cream and went home.
Ahhh, I miss it already. I want to go back. :(
Wish there was a cure for Frustration
So it seems that God is going to make my last few days before vacation impossible to deal with. maybe that's His way of telling me to be grateful for the days i'm going to have off, but whatever. there are so many things that are getting me down...mainly these last few days of work. it's a hard location on your own, and i'm tired of running it without a boss. and i'm not a weenie, i'm tired. I cannot run this place, nor am i paid to do so. And i got myself trapped into doing sales calls tomorrow, and i'm soo not a sales person. all because of stupid joel... MAN.
so then there's this thing on my finger. It's not really a wart, because it it were, it would have spread by now. but it hasn't. I've had it there since i worked at ruby tuesday and I blame the hot plates that I carried around there. But bennett has mentioned it more than once, and mind you, this is something that i never really noticed. I mean I knew it was there, but it didn't really bother me much. I guess it bothered him though. so I've been wearing these wart remover things, because you couldn't pay me to use over-the-counter burn off yourself things. no thanks. but these things aren't completely painless either. they actually burn sometimes, so i guess the completely avoiding the burning thing can't happen when you're using something to take one of these off. i refuse to say it's a wart, because it isn't. maybe that's why it's not working....
anyway, I, in my musical prowessness, have found a new guy that I actually really like. His name is justin nozuka, and I bought his CD for $8 at some music store a couple weekends ago. i didn't actually discover him, I found him on VH1's you oughta know, but he's really good. his song that's on there is "after tonight,". you should check it out on youtube or your song downloading thing of choice.
anyway that's all. 30 mins and i'm out.
so then there's this thing on my finger. It's not really a wart, because it it were, it would have spread by now. but it hasn't. I've had it there since i worked at ruby tuesday and I blame the hot plates that I carried around there. But bennett has mentioned it more than once, and mind you, this is something that i never really noticed. I mean I knew it was there, but it didn't really bother me much. I guess it bothered him though. so I've been wearing these wart remover things, because you couldn't pay me to use over-the-counter burn off yourself things. no thanks. but these things aren't completely painless either. they actually burn sometimes, so i guess the completely avoiding the burning thing can't happen when you're using something to take one of these off. i refuse to say it's a wart, because it isn't. maybe that's why it's not working....
anyway, I, in my musical prowessness, have found a new guy that I actually really like. His name is justin nozuka, and I bought his CD for $8 at some music store a couple weekends ago. i didn't actually discover him, I found him on VH1's you oughta know, but he's really good. his song that's on there is "after tonight,". you should check it out on youtube or your song downloading thing of choice.
anyway that's all. 30 mins and i'm out.
Longest week ever.
When this week first started, I knew it was going to be a slow one, because I have something to look forward to. I finally got the phone survey; came in all its lovely glory yesterday afternoon. I rocked it, I think.
The new 280 opened, and that is my residence for this Tuesday. It's nice in here; it smells good. they have those mister things in here, that periodically scare me. They're not quiet. I've done all my reservations with no deposit and my collection calls. I will wait until two to start the call backs. gotta love those callbacks.
I made this promise to myself that I'm really going to start studying hard for the GMAT. I want so much more, and I think that having an MBA can help.
Quick update, maybe more later. Or tomorrow, or Thursday. We'll see.
The new 280 opened, and that is my residence for this Tuesday. It's nice in here; it smells good. they have those mister things in here, that periodically scare me. They're not quiet. I've done all my reservations with no deposit and my collection calls. I will wait until two to start the call backs. gotta love those callbacks.
I made this promise to myself that I'm really going to start studying hard for the GMAT. I want so much more, and I think that having an MBA can help.
Quick update, maybe more later. Or tomorrow, or Thursday. We'll see.
Tomahawk Chop and Other Assorted Awesomeness
It's Sunday....still waiting on the phone survey. Unless they did it on Friday, in which case, that's awesome, cuz thenI missed it!
Anyway, have had an awesome weekend so far. Well, I guess the weekend is over for me, because I'm at work. And will be for the next four days. But then after that, it's ARUBA time!! I'll get into more of that later.
Yesterday, Bennett and I had tickets from his dad to go see the Braves play. I haven't been to a game since last summer, and I love these things! We went to Robin's housewarming thing for a little while, gave her her little fondue set (which btw is awesome, and I might go get myself one), caught up with her, met the boyfriend... She is so happy now, and I'm happy for her. Her boyfriend is really nice, as is his brother and mom. Robin's mom seemed happy, as did her sister and dad. I'm happy that everything turned out good for her. She's got a cute little apartment with her boy, and everything seems to be working out well for her...
We left a little early, since they told us there was construction down 85/75 South, but decided we were smarter than that and would take 285 to I-20, and beat it that way. Which we did. We got to the ballpark about an hour and a half before the game....and ate some deliciousness ball park food. Sort of...Bennett had some Italian sausage thing, and I invoked Wisconsin with a brat and sauerkraut. The game was a bore until the 9th inning. The Braves were down 5-1, but rallied back 5-4 in the bottom of the ninth. Everyone was standing up and doing the tomahawk chop and getting all excited, and then some guy I never heard of came up to bat and struck out. I never heard so many sad awwws, but at least it got exciting toward the end. Made it back to Birmingham before midnight, got some late night Wendy's and went to sleep.
Anyway, have had an awesome weekend so far. Well, I guess the weekend is over for me, because I'm at work. And will be for the next four days. But then after that, it's ARUBA time!! I'll get into more of that later.
Yesterday, Bennett and I had tickets from his dad to go see the Braves play. I haven't been to a game since last summer, and I love these things! We went to Robin's housewarming thing for a little while, gave her her little fondue set (which btw is awesome, and I might go get myself one), caught up with her, met the boyfriend... She is so happy now, and I'm happy for her. Her boyfriend is really nice, as is his brother and mom. Robin's mom seemed happy, as did her sister and dad. I'm happy that everything turned out good for her. She's got a cute little apartment with her boy, and everything seems to be working out well for her...
We left a little early, since they told us there was construction down 85/75 South, but decided we were smarter than that and would take 285 to I-20, and beat it that way. Which we did. We got to the ballpark about an hour and a half before the game....and ate some deliciousness ball park food. Sort of...Bennett had some Italian sausage thing, and I invoked Wisconsin with a brat and sauerkraut. The game was a bore until the 9th inning. The Braves were down 5-1, but rallied back 5-4 in the bottom of the ninth. Everyone was standing up and doing the tomahawk chop and getting all excited, and then some guy I never heard of came up to bat and struck out. I never heard so many sad awwws, but at least it got exciting toward the end. Made it back to Birmingham before midnight, got some late night Wendy's and went to sleep.
So in exactly a week from now, I will be on an airplane flying to Aruba. Exactly right now, flying on an airplane. I cannot wait for this's definitely worth all of my vacation days to just get out for awhile. Sorry for the not-so-funny entry, but it was actually informative about what is going on in the life of me. Oh well, perhaps the fun will return by Tuesday....we'll see.
Food Thingie, and Thingie
So it's phone survey day, or supposed to be. It was supposed to be phone survey day yesterday too. I hate phone survey week. I'm always on my toes constantly waiting for it, and I waited all day yesterday for it, and it never came. I think today may be the same as yesterday.
I was supposed to get all the newbies to come over here today, but they never did. Not that I'm too upset about that; I don't know what I would do with them.
It's been a pretty boring week so far, have the Braves game to look forward to this weekend, and seeing Robin. Just getting ready for the Aruba trip in almost one week. Technically tomorrow will be one week for me, seeing as how I don't work on fridays or saturdays. I think Bennett is finally amped up for it.
I'm sorry I'm so boring. I honestly have nothing interesting going on. There's pizza in the breakroom, and if I weren't going to Aruba in two weeks (even Bennett has limited my French fry intake and replaced it with healthy crap), I would be all over that meaty Pizza Hut pizza just sitting back in the break room. I mean I'm glad that we're on this healthy/gym kick. We set a goal and we stuck to it. We eat out once a week, on Fridays, and cook (well, he does) every other day. I help too, sometimes. When I can. I'm not all Betty crocker in the kitchen, but I can do some things. Or try to do some things.
Anyway, I guess I just write to take up some time. Don't even know if anyone's out there anymore....
I was supposed to get all the newbies to come over here today, but they never did. Not that I'm too upset about that; I don't know what I would do with them.
It's been a pretty boring week so far, have the Braves game to look forward to this weekend, and seeing Robin. Just getting ready for the Aruba trip in almost one week. Technically tomorrow will be one week for me, seeing as how I don't work on fridays or saturdays. I think Bennett is finally amped up for it.
I'm sorry I'm so boring. I honestly have nothing interesting going on. There's pizza in the breakroom, and if I weren't going to Aruba in two weeks (even Bennett has limited my French fry intake and replaced it with healthy crap), I would be all over that meaty Pizza Hut pizza just sitting back in the break room. I mean I'm glad that we're on this healthy/gym kick. We set a goal and we stuck to it. We eat out once a week, on Fridays, and cook (well, he does) every other day. I help too, sometimes. When I can. I'm not all Betty crocker in the kitchen, but I can do some things. Or try to do some things.
Anyway, I guess I just write to take up some time. Don't even know if anyone's out there anymore....
Hangover + Pizza = Much Better
Last night Bennett and I went out. And this is the first time in awhile that we went out and drank, and then we came back here and drank some more. We went to the Lakeview Oyster House, somwhere my ex-manager and Jim always went for lunch. It was delicious; had some fried oysters, because I'd never had one before, a fried one that is, and then a shrimp po-boy, and some fried green tomatoes. It was one of the best meals I'd had in awhile. And it was pretty reasonably priced, too.
Then, since we've been so good trying to get in shape for Aruba, we decided that we could reward ourselves with a night of debauchery and fun. We head to Blue Monkey. I love this place, and you should totally go if you've never been. It has kind of a bluesy feel, but they usually play some trancy music unless they've got someone out on the patio. And their outdoor sitting is great. This is a super fun place, and I think it's become our favorite.
Woke up all hung-over like, placed a pizza in the oven and was better. Went up to the Summitt to go to the apple store to have them take a look at my ipod. the sound has been screwed up on it for awhile, so i wanted to see if they could fix it easily. But no, they couldn't. They took my ipod and they're going to recycle it, and they gave me a new one. It was cheaper than it would have been if I were to buy a brand new one, but the thing that made me sad; all of my old music is gone. I no longer have that desktop computer where i stored all of my old music, so i've spent the latter half of this evening trying to remember what i had put on the first one. Oh well I guess. I shouldn't complain about getting a brand new iPod for half the price, since it was their hardware that messed up. I am very sad about losing my music, but in a way kind of glad, because it will get rid of all that crap that usually skipped past.
Anyway, off to start a new week at work tomorrow; worked six days last week, and i hope that won't happen again this week. Next weekend we're going to a baseball game with bennett's dad over in atlanta. and then the next weekend, it's off to Aruba. Little nervous about the plane riding as always, but i'll be ok, I hope.
I can't wait to just get away..
Then, since we've been so good trying to get in shape for Aruba, we decided that we could reward ourselves with a night of debauchery and fun. We head to Blue Monkey. I love this place, and you should totally go if you've never been. It has kind of a bluesy feel, but they usually play some trancy music unless they've got someone out on the patio. And their outdoor sitting is great. This is a super fun place, and I think it's become our favorite.
Woke up all hung-over like, placed a pizza in the oven and was better. Went up to the Summitt to go to the apple store to have them take a look at my ipod. the sound has been screwed up on it for awhile, so i wanted to see if they could fix it easily. But no, they couldn't. They took my ipod and they're going to recycle it, and they gave me a new one. It was cheaper than it would have been if I were to buy a brand new one, but the thing that made me sad; all of my old music is gone. I no longer have that desktop computer where i stored all of my old music, so i've spent the latter half of this evening trying to remember what i had put on the first one. Oh well I guess. I shouldn't complain about getting a brand new iPod for half the price, since it was their hardware that messed up. I am very sad about losing my music, but in a way kind of glad, because it will get rid of all that crap that usually skipped past.
Anyway, off to start a new week at work tomorrow; worked six days last week, and i hope that won't happen again this week. Next weekend we're going to a baseball game with bennett's dad over in atlanta. and then the next weekend, it's off to Aruba. Little nervous about the plane riding as always, but i'll be ok, I hope.
I can't wait to just get away..
Woe be to the GMAT
So in order to prove that in fact, I am not dumb, and that I could get into graduate school if I wanted ( a plan recently re-implanted into my head by the boyfriend), I have devoted the next month or so, minus Aruba week, to studying for the GMAT.
After the whole hospital ordeal, I flirted with the idea of going back to school, and it somehow drifted off into space with the dealings of my life in Birmingham. But Bennett now thinks that this thing is a good idea, and we should go back to school, if not only to meet people our own age.
So I almost remember why I decided to throw grad school out the window, and I'm going to completely blame it on triangles, and their tricky hypotenuse and pythagorean theorem ways. I do NOT remember any of this crap from school, except for how to find the area. I breezed through the verbal section (sort of, I lie. This was hard, too), and simply gave up on the math part, hoping that Bennett is blessed in the wicked way of the triangle.
His book tends to be better, the GMAT for dummies, than my stupid Kaplan book that probably cost three times as much as his. It doesn't matter; I can't even think straight right now, with all those circling triangles and formulas that were pushed out for a reason. I'm still not using them. I don't remember the last time I was asked to figure out things with the square root symbol in them; and seriously, just seeing that symbol freaks me out. Fractions, too.
Studying is no fun. Taking tests is no fun. School is no fun. How in the world did he talk me into going back?
After the whole hospital ordeal, I flirted with the idea of going back to school, and it somehow drifted off into space with the dealings of my life in Birmingham. But Bennett now thinks that this thing is a good idea, and we should go back to school, if not only to meet people our own age.
So I almost remember why I decided to throw grad school out the window, and I'm going to completely blame it on triangles, and their tricky hypotenuse and pythagorean theorem ways. I do NOT remember any of this crap from school, except for how to find the area. I breezed through the verbal section (sort of, I lie. This was hard, too), and simply gave up on the math part, hoping that Bennett is blessed in the wicked way of the triangle.
His book tends to be better, the GMAT for dummies, than my stupid Kaplan book that probably cost three times as much as his. It doesn't matter; I can't even think straight right now, with all those circling triangles and formulas that were pushed out for a reason. I'm still not using them. I don't remember the last time I was asked to figure out things with the square root symbol in them; and seriously, just seeing that symbol freaks me out. Fractions, too.
Studying is no fun. Taking tests is no fun. School is no fun. How in the world did he talk me into going back?
New Blog
I'm so in love with my new blog I can hardly stand it. It's like my new little baby. I keep wanting to change it, and play with the colors, but then realize I don't need to. It's perfect. That may make me lame, but that's ok. I don't mind being lame.
SO nothing really of note has happened since yesterday around the same time. Went home to bennett, ( i can't wait till I actually really "go home" to Bennett), went to the gym, had some jumbalaya (i can't spell cajun), hallelujah for having a boyfriend that cooks, then had some wine and continued with our sunday night tradition of sopranos.
Bennett and I have our little traditions, it's fun. We have red wine and Sopranos night on Sunday. We work out as soon as we're off work, because we want to get it over with. If we're hungry for ice cream, we always go to dairy queen. He knows that I pick chick-fil-a over all other fast food, and knows that I usually only eat a sub if it's the italian one. He's a little more daring with food than me, but at least he's taking the time to notice.
I never would have thought I could have been this lucky in love before. With all of my disasters before, I thought I was destined to just be "that girl," but thanks to Bennett, I don't think I will be. I really don't get all mushy like this all the time, but since we're going to be living together, I've been forced to really think about our relationship, and if it will survive that.
I think my problem with Nick before was that I really didn't want to move in with him; I knew that I didn't love him, and I knew that it was going to be crappy living with him, because he's a crappy person. Really crappy.
Oh well. I'm finally happy and I don't care who knows.
SO nothing really of note has happened since yesterday around the same time. Went home to bennett, ( i can't wait till I actually really "go home" to Bennett), went to the gym, had some jumbalaya (i can't spell cajun), hallelujah for having a boyfriend that cooks, then had some wine and continued with our sunday night tradition of sopranos.
Bennett and I have our little traditions, it's fun. We have red wine and Sopranos night on Sunday. We work out as soon as we're off work, because we want to get it over with. If we're hungry for ice cream, we always go to dairy queen. He knows that I pick chick-fil-a over all other fast food, and knows that I usually only eat a sub if it's the italian one. He's a little more daring with food than me, but at least he's taking the time to notice.
I never would have thought I could have been this lucky in love before. With all of my disasters before, I thought I was destined to just be "that girl," but thanks to Bennett, I don't think I will be. I really don't get all mushy like this all the time, but since we're going to be living together, I've been forced to really think about our relationship, and if it will survive that.
I think my problem with Nick before was that I really didn't want to move in with him; I knew that I didn't love him, and I knew that it was going to be crappy living with him, because he's a crappy person. Really crappy.
Oh well. I'm finally happy and I don't care who knows.
All Good Things Must Come To an End...
So I think in the four or so years that I have had my xanga account, I think it's time that I moved on. Although the world of Xanga has been super kind to me, I think it's facebooked itself too much for me. Also, it seems to be appealing to a much younger crowd, and for some reason, I feel myself getting older and older.
So Bennett and I went to a biscuits game in the gump this past weekend. I have pictures of the hilarious-ness of having a biscuit for a mascot, and I will post them as soon as I can. I told Bennett that he is allowed to show me the picture of the dancing biscuit if I'm ever in a crabby mood. Just think of it people...a biscuit....for a mascot, with a biscuit eater as it's costumed thing that roams the stands. Or the field. He didn't come much up into the stands. Nonetheless, that is the way I prefer costumed things; far far away.
So Bennett and I went to a biscuits game in the gump this past weekend. I have pictures of the hilarious-ness of having a biscuit for a mascot, and I will post them as soon as I can. I told Bennett that he is allowed to show me the picture of the dancing biscuit if I'm ever in a crabby mood. Just think of it people...a biscuit....for a mascot, with a biscuit eater as it's costumed thing that roams the stands. Or the field. He didn't come much up into the stands. Nonetheless, that is the way I prefer costumed things; far far away.
I think now more than ever, I'm not sure what I want to do with my life. Bennett and I are optioning going back to school; getting our MBA's, mine in finance, maybe his too. It will definitely be a strange thing doing the work and school thing again. Hopefully it'll make me feel young, and Bennett won't make me look too dumb when we both take the GMAT and he does better than me.
I really am on this introspective, mature kick, minus my laughing at the biscuit thing. But then, maybe I'm not really cut out for the mature world. I am when I need to be, and I don't always see the need in being serious all the time. If everyone would just take a chill pill once in awhile, everything would be ok. While i'm on the topic, sort of, i don't understand why some people are just plain mean. what seriously could have happened in your lifetime that made you so cranky and irritable, and a joy to be around? Last night before we went to the game, bennett's parents took us to jim n nicks (YUM!!) and there was a little bit of a wait with a couple open tables. we were fine waiting, we know how the restaurant industry is, but there was this guy who came in and screamed at the waitress for not seating them with open tables. He was like "i'm asking a question in plain english, why can't you just answer it?" I wanted to get up and hug that poor girl. What people don't understand is if they do seat you in one of those empty tables, there's a good chance either A. you will be waiting for a server for awhile, or B. you will be receiving horrible service because of your lovely 5-year-old tantrum, the waitress was forced to triple-seat someone, stressing them out, and not giving the service they could have.
For some reason, Bennett and I have been witnessing a lot of this behavior,and i think it's unacceptable. There is no need to be rude to a complete stranger because you don't get your way. There are plenty of people less fortunate than you are that actually have manners, so grow yourself some.
ON a side note, I found a great rug for Bennett's and mine new place. At urban outfitters; go figure. didn't know they did apartment furnishings. I can't wait to move.
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