* except for my Austin trip this weekend
* and except for my trip to Kansas City in a few weeks
I mean, look at this sweet sweet dog. Again, I love her way way too much.
Sushi from this past weekend. We got to eat this on a patio, during a little thunderstorm and rain. After this we went to see Mud, which was actually a really good movie. Sushi can always make me smile.
Leslie's first green number at work!! We are so proud of her. (For those not down on the green/red number deal, these are our goals at work and how many loads we are supposed to hit in one day).
I needed to remind myself of something happy today, because not only did all of our lives get threatened today by a crazy ex-driver, but I also had two service failures in ten minutes this afternoon. It was awesome.
Sometimes you just need to sit back and relax and remember the things that make you happy.