Sometimes in the line of work I am, it takes a lot to keep calm.
And when I say, a lot, I mean a lot.
Imagine this.
Sixty truck drivers.
That's sixty sets of problems, people. Add in the other problems of those co-workers around you, and to say you are stressed out is an understatement. Most of the problems are simple ones; but then you have the ones where you must remind these folks that they are professionals and grown ups.
One of the main things they make sure of in an interview is how you handle stress; I had a boss tell me a while ago that when I was stressed out, I would get incredibly negative. That I would project my negativity on everyone, and since I was the senior person in that role, that it didn't make me look any better.
So I changed it, and now I'm negative all the time. Jokes. I did change it though; I try to be as positive as I possibly can, mostly because if you're not the drivers can tell, and they don't want to work with you. Which as you can guess, is not a very good thing. Driver's don't want to be on your board; they switch fleet managers; you have no one on your board; you're fired.
So sometimes at work this happens...
yes that's chocolate wine that my co-worker Britney is drinking. not really can't drink at work. |
Or sometimes you just need to do this:
that's a chocolate bar. sometimes we eat lots and lots of chocolate bars. |
So there you have it; drink and eat lots of chocolate to relieve your stress.
I wish I could say I was joking about that, but I'm not.
Just don't drink at work in your cubicle. Your boss probably frowns on that.
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