I'll be as honest as possible; I did not know much about this symphony until the day I got to see them.
I honestly thought they were like a real orchestra type thing; you know, black tie, fancy champagne sipping type of folks.
So I was intrigued when I heard on BMR (Birmingham Mountain Radio...seriously, listen to them if you don't already) that they were coming and doing Springsteen's Born to Run on New Year's Eve.
So, um, where do I sign up?!
The night as I'm getting ready to go, I look them up. Find out that, indeed, they are not a symphony orchestra. At. All. Stupid feelings aside, I put on my sparkly skirt, heels and sweater and head to show.
I get there early, not early enough to get a seat, but early enough to get front row. As in, I could park myself there until the show started.
And when it did? I freaking rocked it out. Tim Brantley played Bruce, and he did an amazing job. Plus, he's super pretty, so it was really fun to be that close.
Sorry for the blur on some of them; for some reason, I find it incredibly difficult to take pictures even though I'm in the front row.
The one terrible moment during the show was when the drunk, overly plastic lady decided to shove her way to the front during Pink Cadillac. I felt the need to say something to her, but didn't want to ruin my New Year's Eve with some crazy person. That was the night I vowed to keep my elbows high at shows, like, why you running into my elbows, man?
Fortunately for me, she left when that song was over.
I will definitely go and see these guys when they bring their next show to the Ham. Y'all should see if they're coming near you too.
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