So, I was talking to a friend of mine, and after he asked (with much hesitation), I gave him the link to the blog.
After a night of conversation, this is what he said to me, "I don't get your blog."
And I haven't gotten over it.
Do I need to have a purpose to this blog? A lot of blogs that I adore seem just as random as mine. They talk about their lives, what they eat, what they did this past weekend. I guess they just do it in a more glamorous way, because the majority of them have way more glamorous lives.
Let's take myself for instance.
I work around truck drivers. I see them, talk to them, listen to them, sometimes smell them, on a daily basis. And this is not to say that I don't have the utmost respect for over-the-road truck drivers; I do. Can you imagine being on the road for days after days without seeing your family, just sitting in a truck hour after hour? Umm, no.
I live in probably the most boring city in America. Nothing happens here.
I am 28. (ugh, happy late birthday to me). Which in itself makes me boring.
I mean, does my blog actually need a theme? Do I need to pick something and just stick with it? Should it be a style blog (no, I will not do that to you), or a blog about what I deal with at work (no, I won't do that to myself)?
So, while it probably does need a theme of some sort, I don't think I will try to force the issue. If my blog is as random as I am in real life, then so be it.
I am not perfect and will never try to be. This song has been stuck in my head for the past two days, so here ya go. This is your payment for reading this awful blog post. I promise to be back to "normal" soon.
Jason Isbell "Codeine"
And I haven't gotten over it.
Do I need to have a purpose to this blog? A lot of blogs that I adore seem just as random as mine. They talk about their lives, what they eat, what they did this past weekend. I guess they just do it in a more glamorous way, because the majority of them have way more glamorous lives.
Let's take myself for instance.
I work around truck drivers. I see them, talk to them, listen to them, sometimes smell them, on a daily basis. And this is not to say that I don't have the utmost respect for over-the-road truck drivers; I do. Can you imagine being on the road for days after days without seeing your family, just sitting in a truck hour after hour? Umm, no.
I live in probably the most boring city in America. Nothing happens here.
I am 28. (ugh, happy late birthday to me). Which in itself makes me boring.
I mean, does my blog actually need a theme? Do I need to pick something and just stick with it? Should it be a style blog (no, I will not do that to you), or a blog about what I deal with at work (no, I won't do that to myself)?
So, while it probably does need a theme of some sort, I don't think I will try to force the issue. If my blog is as random as I am in real life, then so be it.
I am not perfect and will never try to be. This song has been stuck in my head for the past two days, so here ya go. This is your payment for reading this awful blog post. I promise to be back to "normal" soon.
Jason Isbell "Codeine"