That's right. I couldn't be more creative with the title. There is so much going on, and I'm kinda upset that I haven't kept this blog updated as much as I would like. But I am a married woman now, and loving it. It just seemed to get better, plus the honeymoon was a blast!
But that is not the reason why I am writing. I don't write when good things happen, only bad, and of course this one happens to take place at the land of yellow. So I have a semi-ally who works upstairs, and she deals with lease people, so she's in a different department than me, BUT she is a girl, and she can relate to me. She is friends, good friends, with the captain (who for some reason doesn't like me and makes it quite obvious). My only ally in rental was for some reason fired a couple months ago, and now I'm to fend for myself. So anyway, a couple days ago, the captain asked me to do something; granted I know when he asks you to do something, you do it. BUT, I am already being pulled every which way, and having to do everything else for every other location, plus the one I'm working at, so I forget. But not completely forget, just forget to do it before I leave.
So the captain feels the need to tell my upstairs ally that "you need to tell your girl Laura that when I ask her to do something, she needs to do it." And I'm sitting there astounded. Every day I walk into that place, and every day that I have walked into that place since the day I started, I have given that place my all. I have worked 6 day work weeks; I have ran locations all by myself. I have worked late, worked different locations, taken on new projects, but still can't seem to make my way ahead of anybody.
I'm not going to complain about my job, because I am thankful that I have one, but it does get seriously frustrating when I am pulled in to speak about this.
But it is nice having a good home life. I have the best husband in the world; we have fun almost every night. Sometimes, it is nice to almost have it all.