
New Beginnings

Hey everyone!  For those of you awesomeness that read this blog, I've moved!

Check me out at alabamagraffiti.com!

Thanks for reading!


Rut Me Up

Very rarely do I get all serious and/or complainy on the blog for one main reason.

No one cares.

I mean, people want to read about the bad ass concert you went to or the sweet necklace that you just bought/won/were given.

But back in the ole days of the blog, I would write about whatever was on my mind, as an outlet for the thoughts, whether they be sad/happy/angry -- anything.

So I feel like I can freely admit on this thing that I, Laura, am in a rut. 

A feeling good about myself rut -- a being happy at work rut -- what have you.  Just stuck.  My workouts don't seem to be working lately; my hair always seems to be a mess and my makeup never seems to go on right anymore.  Like WTF liquid black eyeliner; I don't need you all over my face, mmk?  Perhaps now that I've older I've lost that steady hand that I so desperately need to not make myself look like a middle schooler experimenting with makeup.  And ever since I turned 30, it's like my metabolism gave me the big middle finger, and was like, yep, I'm doing working for the rest of your life.  And then work.  Don't even get me started on that....  I feel like I'm on the losing end of a battle there.  Every day lately.

And I know that I haven't been very active in the blog world, but it still hurts my feelings when I lose a follower.  Maybe my pictures aren't good enough, or I don't write about anything useful.  Maybe a combo of the two?  See, rut.

I thought the questioning of yourself was supposed to be over after college...errrr, at least eight years later.  

Anyway, at least this face is always there for those sweet eyes and a good look.

Sorry for the depressing ass post -- it'll pass.  


#tbt: My Mom's A Babe

During the process of inheriting all the old pictures I've gotten, I got to come across some older pictures of my mom.  I don't have to worry about getting killed for putting these up there, because I'm pretty sure she doesn't read these anymore, so that's a plus in my direction.

I always thought it was neat to see pictures of my parents pre-children, before we had time to drive them crazy, or right after children in those few small moments where having kids is cool.  Of course those are all assumptions, because I don't have kids.  Maybe there aren't those moments at all -- or maybe some parents say all those moments are cool.

But hearing a kid cry in Target, because she can't get a nail polish would suggest otherwise.  I always wonder if I was that big of a brat, but I know the answer.  Of course I was.

I know, right?  So beautiful.



Since I had so much fun with this last week, and because reading everyone else's posts is so much fun -- I decided what the hell...so here we go again.

** I confess that I haven't washed my hair in three days.  Somewhere along the lines, I read that this was good for your hair -- to not have all the chemicals from shampoo in your hair, all the heat, whatever.  All it did was make me feel gross.  I hate dry shampoo -- I guess that's another post in itself -- but it makes my hair feel absolutely disgusting.

so many meanings -- and a GoT reference.  boo yeah.

** I have read this four times today and bawled like a baby each and every time.  I dare you to not cry.

** I went to Jack Brown's again for lunch today AND ate a fried Oreo.  Take that diet -- I win for the day.

** Every time I go to Target, I always look through the clearance rack.  9 times out of 10 I buy something from it.  I'm sorry, but you can't beat a cute ass dress for $8.98.  You just can't.

** I hate running.  There, I said it.

 ** Somebody (AHEM) has got me hooked on vaping.  Obsessed I tell you.  I have the cute little pink one courtesy of said ahem.  I've got a flavor called Heavenly, and it pretty much tastes just like a s'more.  Even B is hooked on this thing.

more on this amazing place to come...
I feel so much better getting all of that out!  I really enjoy this!  I may just have to stick with it!

Vodka and Soda


iPhone Pic Love

My life pretty much consists of taking pictures on my iPhone.  Which pretty much is equal to me being a terrible blogger.  Yes, I do have a pretty Nikon DLSR -- do I really know how to use it?  Nope.  Auto mode is my best friend.

A long time ago, I bought a manual to try and read it, because my owner's manual was like trying to read French.  It was when B was traveling and I had plenty of nights to uncork a bottle of wine and sit to read the thing and take millions of practice pictures.  

And what I learned was, I always have my iPhone with me - and all I have to do is press a button.  Would I like that awesome blurry effect?  Sure, I would.  But perhaps photography -- good photography, anyway -- is just not in the cards for me.  

So here's a few snapshots into Laura's world from the past couple of weeks:

taking screen shots of flights to Chicago -- planning a girls only trip in September.

how real classy girls do a Friday night - $7.99 bottles of wine from Publix.

she's worn out from you know, doing nothing all day.

enjoying executive level seats at Regions field.

gorgeous bham.

some people crack me up.

enjoying some Steel City Pops.  i had the banana and b had the blood orange.

I'm also pretty sure that taking amazing selfies of us eating popsicles would be impossible with a gigantic camera.

Although, all this self-deprecation about my camera skills makes me want to bust out that manual again and see if I can make it all the way through.


An Observation

When I started this blog, it was flippin horrible.  That's not to say that it's awesome now, but at least there are pictures.  I still suck at formatting stuff and I'll never understand HTML.  I've been contemplating for a couple of months now of buying a domain, switching to Wordpress, but when I even looked up someone to pay to do it, I couldn't even do that.

Some could say that I am incredibly technologically impaired.

I've learned to deal with it... I don't like it, but I make it work.

I think.

Anyway, not the point of the post.  When I started this thing, I didn't know that I would actually meet some really fun people!!  I got to hang out with Nadine and her hubs this weekend!  They adopted me for the weekend since B was gone.  We had our romp at World of Beer, ate another cheeseburger at Jack Brown's and made dinner plans again for Friday!  It's so awesome that I actually got to meet and hang out with such awesome people!  

Disclaimer:  some of these may or may not have been stolen from Nadine and Chris, because theirs are way better.  If you get the chance to hang with these folks, you should just do it!

the Elvis -- peanut butter, mayo, bacon and cheese.  it was heavenly.

It was a super fun weekend!  I can't wait to spend more weekends with blogging friends turned in real life friends!


Fourth of July Recap

What is better than a Fourth recap a week after the actual Fourth?   Absolutely nothing that's what.

Our day started out with a quick run down at the trail -- the weather was perfect!  After that we headed to the store to get some meat to smoke, because what else do you do on a national patriotic holiday?  We smoked chicken wings and big ole pork butt.  

After that, we blew up our gangsta blow-up pool and relaxed in it ..the whole damn day. After baking in the sun all day -- we packed up a few drinks, our portable grill, our tailgate chairs and headed downtown to stake out a spot for the Thunder on the Mountain fireworks show over Vulcan.

Then onto the Blue Monkey for me to try scotch for the first time -- it was flipping terrible.  Luckily, the lovely foreign bartender knew exactly what I should be drinking, and he made that for me.  Then at least I got to enjoy my post-firework beverage.

i loved this little kid and his sparkler.

It was definitely an awesome day.  Hope everyone had a great Fourth remembering exactly why we get to celebrate in freedom every year!



Alright, I'm hopping on the damn bandwagon.  From following Chris & Nadine's hump day posts, I'm getting a twinge of "I wanna do it too!!"  Plus, what can be more therapeutic than spilling your guts to the internets?

Nothing, that's what.  So here we go.

* I probably drink more wine than anyone should.  But honestly, how else am I supposed to make it to the next day?  That sounded alcoholic-y.  I'm not.  I promise.

* I stalk people's wedding pictures like you have no idea.  I love looking at everyone else's ideas. I mean, what happens if B comes to his senses and leaves my ass?  I have to know what I'm going to do for my next wedding.  Complete and total Pinterest style.

* The Fourth of July was Stella's birthday, so I got her a giant bone, as any good fur mama would do.  B at some point said we should take it away from her.  I said no.  My confession:  should have listened to B.  We woke up to a humongous pile of dog vomit.  On our bed skirt.

do not, i repeat, DO NOT give your dog a bone this big and think everything is going to be alright.
 * I am obsessed with Game of Thrones.  I got hooked because a co-worker told me how awesome it was.  And now, that we have finished seasons 1-4 in three weeks, I am having withdrawals.  Withdrawals, damn it!!

* I could eat a cheeseburger for every meal of every day.  That's not really a confession, that's more of a wish.  Maybe if I say it enough, it'll come true.

That was kind of fun, y'all!  First time with the confessions things, I feel like I may have sort of bombed, but hey! There's always next week!

Vodka and Soda


Jack Brown's Beer & Burger Joint

(as also seen on alabamawomenbloggers.com)

You want to go to heaven?  I'm sure we all do -- well I found it.  This place is incredible.  I am so glad that they decided to invade our little Birmingham.

Located in the Lakeview District in Birmingham is a brand new little restaurant called Jack Brown’s Beer and Burger Joint.  I can promise you that you will not be disappointed.  It’s a little place with bar stools, a few tables and a patio.  They have all kinds of beer, on draft and in their cooler.  Pretty much any beer you could possibly want or need.  They have a few regular burgers, plus a new burger to try every day.   They make their burgers with Kobe beef, and oh my goodness, I wish I could describe the complete juiciness and tastiness of these things.
We went on a Wednesday, where I had the special burger of the day which was the Popeye.  It was their amazing burger topped with house-made spinach-artichoke dip, pepper jack cheese and fried onions.  We also went back again that Saturday, and I ordered the Chiflet which is a bacon, egg and cheese burger.  You can see a complete listing of all they have to offer here.

A cute look inside…I’m not sure how you can hate on a place with a disco ball and pallet siding!!

A fun encounter with one of the owners!!

And of course the food!  I even forgot to mention the fried Oreo!  $1.  $1!!!  If you allow yourself, I bet you could eat a dozen.  Challenge accepted.  Also their dipping sauce should be renamed “crack sauce,” because it is that good.  I dipped everything on my plate into that stuff.

 Oh wait -- have I not convinced you yet...??

Blurry, but yes, that is an honorable  Birmingham Police waiting for his food.  I mean, if it's good enough for them, it's definitely good enough for you.

Seriously -- go check it out.