
Fourth of July Recap

What is better than a Fourth recap a week after the actual Fourth?   Absolutely nothing that's what.

Our day started out with a quick run down at the trail -- the weather was perfect!  After that we headed to the store to get some meat to smoke, because what else do you do on a national patriotic holiday?  We smoked chicken wings and big ole pork butt.  

After that, we blew up our gangsta blow-up pool and relaxed in it ..the whole damn day. After baking in the sun all day -- we packed up a few drinks, our portable grill, our tailgate chairs and headed downtown to stake out a spot for the Thunder on the Mountain fireworks show over Vulcan.

Then onto the Blue Monkey for me to try scotch for the first time -- it was flipping terrible.  Luckily, the lovely foreign bartender knew exactly what I should be drinking, and he made that for me.  Then at least I got to enjoy my post-firework beverage.

i loved this little kid and his sparkler.

It was definitely an awesome day.  Hope everyone had a great Fourth remembering exactly why we get to celebrate in freedom every year!

1 comment:

  1. I am not a fan of scotch either. Nope. No thanks. Give me beer and all the fruity drinks :) Oh...and amaretto sours. Yum!

    Looks like you guys had a fun day! Your hair looks cute.


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