I've always told people that I was incredibly awkward in high school.
In fact, I hated high school. It was pretty much the worst time in my life. I wasn't completely unpopular, but there was no way that I was popular. There are some people who wouldn't even recognize me now. And for proof, I will offer these photos from high school.
It was a rough period in my life, but I feel that maybe, just maybe it should be shared. I eventually grew into who I am, and have recently become pretty comfortable with that, but back in the day, there was nothing you could say to make me feel better.
I didn't date in high school. Obviously. But I don't hate these photos. I am who I am because of the chick in these. And I still happen to think she was a pretty awesome girl.
I'm convinced that everyone has their awkward phases, and dear Internet, I am proud to share mine with you.
It helped me develop who I am today, so I regret nothing. I have finally come to a place in my life where I am mostly happy with who I am and where I've been. I didn't fit in with my gorgeous friends; but I relied mostly on my smarts and my work ethic to get me through college.
And I made it. So my advice to those that also felt the same way in high school; let it pass. Those that judge you then will continue to be the same. You will move on and meet people that accept you for who you are, and love you all the same.
I know how you felt. It was not easy being a skinny kid with bad acne that wore braces and played in the band. Luckily for me, just like you, things got bad with age and I am the person I am today because of it. I love being different from everyone else and everyone likes me because of that as well. I guess you can that I turned out to be alright in the end.
Oh high school, I don't miss you. Not one bit!!! I think everyone is awkward in high school because most people are still trying to figure out who they are and care way too much about how others view them. I might have lived in my own little world in high school, and I am glad that I did! At least I can say I wasn't a sell out.
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