
Elizabeth's - Fun NOLA Brunch

Last weekend was spent in NOLA.  Spent watching the Tigers (of the Auburn variety) and the Packers lose.  It's a sad sad weekend for Laura when both of her teams lose.  Plus it rained on Saturday, which is a really crappy thing to have happen when you're in NOLA.

You know, because you walk around everywhere.

And it severely screws up your hair.

But that morning, there was a cute little brunch spot.  It was mainly inhabited by hipsters, but it had a really great and unique menu, plus mimosa's that were called ghetto just because they came in clear plastic cups.  Save $3 on alcohol by putting it in plastic?  Yes please.

The waffle was a duck waffle, and then the amazing with sour cream and the tortillas, their version of huevos rancheros.  It was super incredible.  Sort of wishing I had them right now.

Anyway, it was definitely a good brunchy spot.

Even though, Chick-Fil-A wasn't had this morning, so Auburn lost.  Damn stupid tradition.

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