
New Beginnings

(via google images)

Today, I started another new chapter in my life.

I started my new job at Transport America.  I feel like my life is in need of a lot of new beginnings . Everything has been swirling around in my head; I've realized a lot of the things I've been doing are to make other people happy.  And not myself.  I'm almost 30 years old, and I'm pretty sure a lot of the times, I've never put myself first.

I got myself stuck working in transportation; unfortunately for me, that's all I know.  But a plus?  I really like this new place that I'm at.  First of all, I get an hour of my life back as my schedule is completely different.  The people I met are incredibly friendly and welcoming.  

I just signed up for Herbalife  with my sorority sister, Tiffany.  I'm really excited to get to a healthy lifestyle and to shed a few inches and pounds.  I have a friend who's been incredibly supportive in all of this.  He knows who he is, but he didn't judge me or tell me I was already thin when telling him.  Most everyone knows that we see the most flaws in ourselves; and I think this program is a great way to a healthier lifestyle and more energy.  Once everything arrives, I'll start documenting my progress.  Since I did send in before pictures!  Eeek!  

I just haven't been so happy at a job in a long time, so I'm excited to get that going.  I'm excited to start back running and getting healthy.  I'm excited for a lot of things right now.  I don't turn thirty until January, but I feel like it's going to be one of the best years of my life.

Stay tuned y'all; it's about to get good.

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