
New Beginnings

(via google images)

Today, I started another new chapter in my life.

I started my new job at Transport America.  I feel like my life is in need of a lot of new beginnings . Everything has been swirling around in my head; I've realized a lot of the things I've been doing are to make other people happy.  And not myself.  I'm almost 30 years old, and I'm pretty sure a lot of the times, I've never put myself first.

I got myself stuck working in transportation; unfortunately for me, that's all I know.  But a plus?  I really like this new place that I'm at.  First of all, I get an hour of my life back as my schedule is completely different.  The people I met are incredibly friendly and welcoming.  

I just signed up for Herbalife  with my sorority sister, Tiffany.  I'm really excited to get to a healthy lifestyle and to shed a few inches and pounds.  I have a friend who's been incredibly supportive in all of this.  He knows who he is, but he didn't judge me or tell me I was already thin when telling him.  Most everyone knows that we see the most flaws in ourselves; and I think this program is a great way to a healthier lifestyle and more energy.  Once everything arrives, I'll start documenting my progress.  Since I did send in before pictures!  Eeek!  

I just haven't been so happy at a job in a long time, so I'm excited to get that going.  I'm excited to start back running and getting healthy.  I'm excited for a lot of things right now.  I don't turn thirty until January, but I feel like it's going to be one of the best years of my life.

Stay tuned y'all; it's about to get good.


A Few Things That Make Me Smile

Life for me has been weird lately.  I've tried to at least blog five times this week, but even then, I've sucked at that too.
This whole week off work has just been abnormal.  Don't get me wrong; it's been fantastic, and if I could find a sugar daddy that would just let me sit at home, work out, and watch True Blood, I'd be all over it.  It's just weird to not be at work; for my only socializing partner to be the dog. 
But being at home with nothing to do can make your mind race.  There is a lot that I wanted to do this week; bake some cupcakes, finally get my wine bottle project started, but honestly, I've felt like doing nothing but laying on my butt and watching TV.
So when you're sitting at home with nothing to do and getting kind of depressed about it,  I've tried to think of happy things today.
 - I have a brand new job that I start on Monday.  It's a new adventure for me, and I don't live if not for new adventures.
- I think I've finally nailed this blow drying and straightening of the bangs on my head.
- The weather this week has been almost fall like, and I don't know why people coo when the days finally get longer.  I love when it gets darker earlier.
- New Halloween kitchen towels!!
- and my new "co-worker of the week," Stella, just because I don't think y'all have seen enough pictures of my sweet baby.  She's got one of her friends, Kendra, in these pictures from a dog-sitting adventure a few weekends back.

Nothing better than sweet puppy faces.  That should be enough to make anyone smile.


Last Day

Sorry for the short hiatus on this here blog; it's been a little stressful lately, and usually the first thing to go is the thing that won't kill me if I don't do it for awhile.

Hence the lack of blog posts.

Since I've last written in the internets, I've interviewed for another job, gotten it, had my last day at my last job and gone to New Orleans.

My last day was a hard one for me; my main complaint lied within the people I worked for not the people I worked with.  Saying good-bye to most of those people was incredibly difficult; I'd built up relationships not only with the people in my office, but others in different offices.

Amy came in first.  She had brought me a bucket filled with everything that would remind me of the people I worked with; coffee creamer for Jen; Red Hots for her, and energy drinks and Reese's for Mouse.

Turn on the waterworks.  I expected this.  Not much makeup was worn that day; the last thing I needed was for people to remember black streaks running from my eyes.

Then as if wasn't bad enough, one of my coworkers from another office ordered doughnuts for our entire office, so of course I had to call him, and started crying some more.

It was really  nice to feel that sort of love from just your co-workers.  I realize that I see them more hours of the day than anyone else, and I was so thankful to have them in my life. 

(Me, on left, with Amy holding up our doughnuts!)

 I know that I've built long-lasting relationships with quite a few people there, and I like them, so I hope they don't go away, like so many relationships do.

I'm an awesome stalker; don't make me do it.

I'm looking forward to my new journey at my new place.  I'm hoping that it's better for me, and that there are less bad days.  Being the new kid always sucks, but those guys have already made me feel more than welcome.

I can't wait to start my new adventure!


Mumford & Sons

This week I had another music religious moment; quite like the one I had with John Boutte in NOLA.  On Monday, Mumford & Sons played for the first time in Alabama.

And it was unbelievable.  Their encore was incredible (minus the rendition of Sweet Home Alabama.  I swear to god, nothing will make you hate that song more than living in this state.  I tell you; the appeal to that song is gone), but the most favorite part of the encore?  They did a rendition of Springsteen's "She's on Fire," which promptly made me cry, because I'm a big baby.

Their show lasted about two hours, and the entire crowd stood on their feet for the entire time.  Which was a cause for me to take off my boots, because I felt like my feet were going to fall off.

That's right.  I took the shoes off in the middle of a concert.  Could have been the most hippie thing I've ever done in my entire life.

Ehh, so be it.

Honestly, if you have any way of seeing these guys in concert, I highly recommend it.  You will definitely not regret it.

* On a side note, some crazy ass meteor thing happened right in the middle of the second opener.  We all thought it was a flare, or a firework. 


Football Season

I wasn't a big fan of the prompt today for Blogtember, sooo, I'm not going to do it.  Not that I didn't miss last Friday or yesterday or anything.  Otherwise, I might be a little upset.
But I haven't kept up with it, so I'm not, and I can talk about football, and that's way cooler.
It's again, no secret to anyone who knows me and/or has read a past post of mine that I love football season and everything doing with it; the navy dresses with cowboy boots and orange jewelry; the bourbon and cokes at 9am, chick-fil-a breakfast, and of course, actually enjoying the game of football.
My dad taught me pretty much everything I know about football, and for a girl, I grasp the concept of the game pretty well.
I've been trying to learn more specifics about the game, specifically certain plays and how they're run and what they look like when they're being called. 
This was the first year in a long time that I've missed the Auburn home opener; I had to work that morning, and it just wasn't in the cards.  I was pretty heartbroken over it, but had a good time watching it at home.  Even though they almost gave me a heart attack by almost losing.

I'm pretty sure she wanted me to die after all these pictures, but come on?  Shaker and dog?  Not going to pass up that opportunity. 
Auburn ended up winning their first two games; my poor Packers were not as lucky.  They lost on another blown ref call (seriously, ref demoted!  No joke!), and it was very sad.
Hopefully they'll play better this week!  Here's to hoping everyone has a happy football season full of W's and bourbon!


Follow Me...or My Advice

Blogtember Day 3:

Pass on some useful advice or information you learned and always remembered. 

The best advice I ever got came from a song.  It wasn't necessarily a popular song; it was one of those songs that came next on a CD, after the band's most popular song.  The name of the band was Nine Days.

The one verse, the main line in the song that I've carried with me and try to live by..

"Never let the sun set on tomorrow, before the sun rises today."

Simple advice from a song hardly known.  



Make Me Your Spanish Queen

Okay, so I'm going to do this Blogtember thing as long as I can.  The prompts are great, and it gets you thinking about things, such as todays:

If you could take three months off from your current life and do anything in the world, what would you do?

(image via google images)

I would go to Spain.  In a heartbeat.  I would also add to this prompt unlimited funds.  I would travel all around Spain.  Take in all the food, the cathedrals, the coast, bull-fighting, Barcelona, Madrid.  I would see the paintings of Salvador Dali.  I would cha-cha and tango in a full pink skirt.

(all images via google images)

I would watch a soccer match, but first learn the rules, so I would know what the hell I was watching.  I'd eat a million pounds of fresh seafood, and paella.  And drink Spanish wine.  I would lay on the beaches and go fishing.

I would visit every museum, every Mosque in the Moor region, learn Spanish, read Spanish literature, and watch telenovelas on my lazy days.

I would do this for three months, and love every minute of it.  One day, before I go, I will definitely spend at least two weeks of my life there.  I honestly think my life will be a failure if it doesn't happen.

I guess it's up to me to make it happen!

It needs to be soon, because holy moly, in four months I hit the 3-0.


What I Come From

There's a blog that I follow (okay, stalk/admire/wish I was) that is doing a blog every day in September (minus the weekends).  I've been in sort of a writing funk, and wasn't sure if I could survive every day in September seeing as how I've slowly stopped even doing it during the week.

But today's prompt, What I Come From, really got me thinking.  Not because I come from so much, but there is so much to know about me and how I got to be the person I am.

I was born to Mike and Diane in Waukesha Memorial Hospital in Waukesha, Wisconsin on a cold night in January.  Yeah, both of my parents will probably hate me for this one here, probably more so my mom than my dad, but oh well?  One of the happiest moments of your life, right guys?!

We never stayed in one place long; my sister was also born in Waukesha, but we moved pretty much everywhere.  Although, we never forget we have a legit tie to the Packers since, well, we were born there.  After Wisconsin, we moved to South Carolina . After that, to California, and after that to Denmark.  After Denmark came South Carolina again, and after South Carolina came Georgia.  I don't think I really ever minded moving around much; I don't remember that much about it.  Maybe I never fully grasped the meaning of it, but I do think that's where I get my love of travel and not liking to stay in one place for too long.

Which I think is a great trait.

Of course after I graduated high school from Georgia, I went to Auburn, and still live to this very day in Alabama, even though I swore up and down that I never would live in this damn state, but it's sort of sucked me in, and I'm obviously still here.

I have Auburn to thank for a lot of the ways I learn things; how to meet people, how to be a good person, how to speak intelligently, or when to not speak at all.  What it means to be loyal to a non-living entity, and to be so proud of something, that I will never betray it.

As dumb as that sounds, I really don't care.  Auburn University is a big part of my life, even outside of football.  

Ahh, freshman year.  Look at that face; no wrinkles!  It was so hot this day, but as freshman and this being our first game, were we really going to miss out on it?  No way.

So without getting too long winded or sappy, that is pretty much what I come from.  A family that I knew loved me and supported me, which is pretty much what everything boils down to anyway.