
Another Sweet Home Improvement Project

Since we've decided to stay in Birmingham a little while longer, we thought we needed to have a list of home improvements.  On top the list is a new bathroom; but seeing as how we are neither rich, nor seeing that coming through any time soon, we've set our sights on smaller, much less expensive projects. 
We started with a couple of pendant lights over our sink.  They are industrial looking, and fit right into our house.  Once B gets his anniversary present, I believe our kitchen will be done.  Well, unless he finally lets me paint that kitchen window black.
I won't hold my breath.
Anyway, here they are!!

We got these pendants from Home Depot, and they have old-timey light bulbs in them . My favorite part about these lights?  They glow....when they turn out.  Instead of just turning out, the filament just glows.  It's incredible.  As much as I wish I was moving, I really still do love this house.


Mexico Lindo - A Fanciful Birmingham Restaurant

Nestled on Hollywood Boulevard, atop Highway 280 is a little strip mall with three locations.  There's an ABC store (liquor), a sweet little brunch spot that we have yet to try, and then this Mexico Lindo. 
We'd never been to this place or really ever on that side of town, but I'm really glad that I we did.  This little strip used to be pretty run down, but I'm really glad that they redid the whole place.

There once was a time when I didn't enjoy guacamole, and I'm not really sure why.  This place's guac was amazing.  B got the flautas, his new favorite, and I of course got the chicken tacos.  Their rice was delicious, and their salsa had just enough spice in it.  I really hate going to a Mexican restaurant and then having the most bland salsa in the world.  Because I seriously could live off chips and salsa, and eat for every meal.  And I like a little kick.
I can't wait to go back!!


... June Is Almost Over.

And I'm missing this girl like crazy!!  She's my friend from DC, and pretty much the ONLY person I keep in contact with from Penske.
There's one other, but that's a whole other story, for a way different time.  I seem to hold onto Ms. Sara because she lives her life the way she wants to.  I admire her so much for not letting anyone else get in the way of what she truly wants to do.
Take a trip to Australia for a week?  Why the hell not.  Go up to a boy and straight up ask him out?  Yep, does that too.  Not happy?  Oh, she is definitely going to tell you about it, and then quite possibly tell you to f off.  But that is why I love her. 
My last visit to see her was in August of 2009.  Four years ago.  It's been way too long.  I miss her like crazy, and a trip to DC has got to be in the cards.  Some crazy pictures from our visits together.


Not the most flattering of pictures, but we really do have too much fun together.  I can't wait till I get to see her again.  Miss you Sara!  See you soon!!


#tbt: Late Father's Day Love & my 500th post!

I can't help but feeling all nostalgic as I sit here and watch She's All That.  I mean what a great movie.  Freddie Prinze Jr.?  Probably still that gorgeous.  I do love a dark haired man.
Anyway, this post is dedicated to another dark haired man -- my daddy-o.  I'm not much of a weekend poster, so I wanted to save this post for Father's Day.  So here's to you Dad; thanks for taking care of me, walking me down the aisle, and introducing me to the Green Bay Packers.  I love you, and can't wait to see you in July! 
Oh also, since I know you read this, boss man approved my day off in July, so be thinking of what you want to do!
Holding me after my birth.
First birthday.  I heart this picture.  I look so happy!

It is really hard to find a picture of me and my sister with my Dad.  I'm guessing he was more familiar with being behind the camera than in front.

And of course the sweet wedding pictures.... 
I hope you had a good Father's Day, and we'll see you soon!
Also, happy 500th post to me!


O'Carrs Chicken Salad - Recipe

I was never a big chicken salad eater until my mother-in-law made it for dinner one night.  And I fell in love.  While, I've never been to O'Carrs, apparently it is a staple in Alabama.  From all the recipes I scoured looking for one that looked doable for me. 
So now I'm obsessed with chicken salad; I could eat it every day.  Pita Pit in downtown Birmingham has the best I've had here, but Purple Onion and Al's Deli also have a pretty great chicken salad roll-up.
Anyway, onto the recipe.
O'Carrs Copycat Chicken Salad
- 2 cups of boiled chicken, chopped in the food processor.
- 1 tsp fresh dill ( I skipped this because I hate, hate, dill)
- 1/4 cup of grapes
-  1/8 cup of chopped pecans.
- 4 pinches of paprika
- 2 oz cream cheese
-  3 tablespoons of mayonnaise.
-  1 tsp honey
 -  2 pinches of salt
(Makes 3-4 servings)
Easy as pie to make; Just chop up the chicken in the food processor and add all the rest of the ingredients.  Leaving out the dill had no effect on the taste, but if I would have put it in there, it probably would have made me throw up.
We put it on mini-croissants we got from Publix, and topped them with lettuce and tomato.  Delicious dinner!  And easy!


The Freakin Weekend

I'm working to change the identity of this blog; I've already changed the name and URL already, and also have someone working on it.  As I close in on my 500th post with this blog, I figured it was time to do something about the way it looked.
I'm looking forward to seeing the new design, but I'm still going to continue to blog in anticipation of it.
This weekend B's parents came up; we grilled out and went to another Barons game . For the first time this year while we were at a game, they lost.  We took the in-laws to Good People Brewery (right across the street from the stadium!), and then enjoyed nine innings of baseball in the most perfect weather imaginable.
My lovely centerpiece of mason jars, gardenias and hydrangeas.  All picked from our yard.

We really did have a great time.  And I'm pretty sure the in-laws enjoyed themselves as well.  I'll have a special father's day post for #tbt, but I hope all the daddies out there had a great day!


Weekend in Point Clear

This past weekend was spent down by Mobile Bay for a friend of B's wedding.  Hanging out with most of his friends is sometimes difficult for me; they are not my biggest fans for different reasons.  Either way, we hung out with one of his cousins and his wife, and ended up having a really great time.
I didn't take too many pictures of the actually wedding, because both of our phones died, but trust me; this was one gigantic wedding.
They had an oyster bar, an open bar, sushi, steak, multiple favors, gigantic floral arrangements.  It was insane.  It was really pretty though.
Before the wedding though, we went to get our fantastic po'boys at R&R Seafood, and some fresh oysters.  Even though you're not supposed to eat oysters in months without an R, they were still pretty delicious.
And there is nothing in the world better than a Gulf Coast oyster.

He loves when I take pictures of him.  :)

Beer and oysters.  Nothing better.


The Great Gatsby

I finally got to go see this movie with a couple of girlfriends on Friday, and I have to say, I fell deep deep in love with it.
I know some people don't like Baz Luhrmann or his style, but I think he pretty much nailed it.  I really liked the combination of the old style jazz with the new.  The costumes were incredible; Leo was as gorgeous as always.  Just something after Titanic, where I'm sure every girl my age is still in love with him.
And that moment where he turned around in the movie, I'm pretty sure I squeezed the blood out of my best friends leg. 

(all images via google images)
I know it got a lot of hype, but I really and truly loved it.  I wanted to re-read the book before seeing the movie again, but I think there was a run on the book at the library, because all five copies were all checked out.
From what I remember, the movie did it justice.  I'm probably (ok, most definitely) buying it when it comes out.  If not only to stare at Leo.  Just like I did with Titanic.


#tbt; Foreign-Exchange Program

My foreign-exchange experience was to say the least, interesting.  I spent about what seemed like eternity in Germany.  In reality, I think it was about two or three weeks.  I was like, cool, my heritage, I'm German.  But whatever.
It was miserable.
I lost ten pounds over there.  I probably wouldn't have eaten at all had it not been for a crepe stand and a McDonalds. I would like to say that the only good thing that happened over there was my first kiss.  Yep, I sure was sixteen when that happened.  And I'd like to say it, but he ended up being a jerk, so well, I guess I could have waited.
I did get to go with one of my best friends at the time, Liz, so she made it fun.  My host sister and I got into an argument about something; I can't even remember what.  We eventually made up before the heavenly flight back to the states.  There were three "couples" during this trip; mine was the only one that was "successful" for longer than a month once we got  back. 
My host family's dad almost killed us when he drove; my fellow Americans thought it would be funny to trick me into riding a scary ride at a German amusement park, and I had my very first taste of vodka.  Well, that wasn't so bad.
I wouldn't take back the experience.  Of course, if I could and I knew what I knew know, I'd go back and change a whole lot of what happened.  The only time everyone got a long was the last final day when we all got together to say good-bye.  Enjoy.
The crepe stand that saved our lives.

Most of the Americans.

One of the many castles we hiked to.

On the train to the amusement park.

My exchange student, Ingrid.

"the couples"

Last day.  Everyone, minus me, because I'm behind the camera.

Me and Liz.

Pretty sunset over the Rhine River.