
#tbt; Foreign-Exchange Program

My foreign-exchange experience was to say the least, interesting.  I spent about what seemed like eternity in Germany.  In reality, I think it was about two or three weeks.  I was like, cool, my heritage, I'm German.  But whatever.
It was miserable.
I lost ten pounds over there.  I probably wouldn't have eaten at all had it not been for a crepe stand and a McDonalds. I would like to say that the only good thing that happened over there was my first kiss.  Yep, I sure was sixteen when that happened.  And I'd like to say it, but he ended up being a jerk, so well, I guess I could have waited.
I did get to go with one of my best friends at the time, Liz, so she made it fun.  My host sister and I got into an argument about something; I can't even remember what.  We eventually made up before the heavenly flight back to the states.  There were three "couples" during this trip; mine was the only one that was "successful" for longer than a month once we got  back. 
My host family's dad almost killed us when he drove; my fellow Americans thought it would be funny to trick me into riding a scary ride at a German amusement park, and I had my very first taste of vodka.  Well, that wasn't so bad.
I wouldn't take back the experience.  Of course, if I could and I knew what I knew know, I'd go back and change a whole lot of what happened.  The only time everyone got a long was the last final day when we all got together to say good-bye.  Enjoy.
The crepe stand that saved our lives.

Most of the Americans.

One of the many castles we hiked to.

On the train to the amusement park.

My exchange student, Ingrid.

"the couples"

Last day.  Everyone, minus me, because I'm behind the camera.

Me and Liz.

Pretty sunset over the Rhine River.

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