
Day 3

3 Films....

First and foremost, my absolute favorite ... Almost Famous.  I love the cast, especially Kate Hudson in this movie.  She is fantastic.  

Number 2.  Young Frankenstein....  if you've never seen it, check it out.  It is one of the funniest movies ever...and you don't have to wait for Halloween to watch it.  

Number 3.  And I am not lame for this, I can't help but be obsessed with this movie, Miracle on 34th Street..  I loooove loooove loooooove this movie!  The older one, not the newer one with the girl from Matilda in it.  

I know this list probably makes me an even bigger dork, but still, they are pretty great movies.  Of course there are others, American Beauty, all Harry Potter movies, Fever Pitch, and an assortment of others.  And just to say it, I really dislike this 10 day challenge.  Sometimes, I get a little self-conscious about revealing certain things.

Like how I can't figure out this new blogspot.    

And a picture because I can...


Day 2

1. The Doors "Riders on the Storm"
This has been my song as long as I can remember. This was playing in the house when we were little. It was even in the background during one Christmas video. I don't know why it's my song, it doesn't make any sense, but it is what is it.
2. Citizen Cope "Holdin On"
One of the sexiest songs I know. It has good memories, and I love Citizen Cope and his dreads. Sorry I don't get deeper than that, but it is what it is.
Check em out.


10 Day Challenge

So to force myself to write, I decided to take on this 10 Day Challenge. At least it'll force me to write for at least 10 days in a row....or so I think.

Here we go!!

Day 1:: Picture of Myself

This is my favorite picture of me by far. I love how simple it looks, with my hair in it's natural state. Now, most people know that I'm not a "natural" blonde, but I feel my best when my hair is blonde. And of course there's nothing than an Auburn anything.

Now I will explain where the picture came from. There was a Living Social deal for a Boudoir Photo Shoot, and this is as un-racy as they get. And I love it, and have no problem sharing this one.

The others, not so much.


Photo Love

Last year, I tried to do Project 365. I quickly became bored with what I was taking pictures with, and then I kept forgetting and cheating, and blah. I was done. It was hard, and I sure was getting tired of taking pictures of the dog (kidding, of course. she got to be a diva and refused to look at the camera without treats.), food (unless it was somewhere awesome), and whatever knick-knacks where laying around the house...

But I have the itch again to try....ugh, I know. Knowing me, I'll probably quit again. Or end up taking pictures of Pringles and Diet Dr. Peppers. I'm pretty sure that's where it hit the low point....

But I have a secret weapon this time around....hello iPhone and Instagram!! My sweet little phone and the ability to snap a quick photo if something awesome happens, or the sweet pup has her head in my lap...allow me to demonstrate with pictures from the iPhone...

NOLA New Year's Random (I have so many more from this trip! I will upload them later!)

Blanton's whiskey/bourbon top. Yep, we all sure did shots, and then they let us have the top. They have letters on them that spell out Blanton's. Just in case you didn't know that...this is totally a collectible.

Sweet Stell-dog chillin on the couch.

Killer work robot. Actually he's not killer here. Next picture, he'll have a razor blade, I swear. I love my work place.

So yay or nay on the 365 project? I guess I don't have to decide right now...but it sure is tempting....


Back From the Dead

Wow! It has been a looong time since I've written in this. Things have been sort of busy lately, and the one thing that I had time to give up was the blog. Much to the dismay of the very few.

But I haven't done too much lately.

I started a new position at my job.

I have recommitted myself to training for a marathon.

I work part-time for the dance studio, mainly doing office admin work, and working on the website, etc....

I'm planning a bachelorette party in New Orleans, as well as being a bridesmaid for my lovely friend Lindsey.

Back in February, I did a dance showcase at Rocket City Dance Studio in Huntsville. It wasn't my best performance ever (I severely mis-stepped), but it was still a blast. Here are a couple pics from the event....

also, if you get a sec, check out the website to the studio.

you know, since I get to work on it now...
