
Photo Love

Last year, I tried to do Project 365. I quickly became bored with what I was taking pictures with, and then I kept forgetting and cheating, and blah. I was done. It was hard, and I sure was getting tired of taking pictures of the dog (kidding, of course. she got to be a diva and refused to look at the camera without treats.), food (unless it was somewhere awesome), and whatever knick-knacks where laying around the house...

But I have the itch again to try....ugh, I know. Knowing me, I'll probably quit again. Or end up taking pictures of Pringles and Diet Dr. Peppers. I'm pretty sure that's where it hit the low point....

But I have a secret weapon this time around....hello iPhone and Instagram!! My sweet little phone and the ability to snap a quick photo if something awesome happens, or the sweet pup has her head in my lap...allow me to demonstrate with pictures from the iPhone...

NOLA New Year's Random (I have so many more from this trip! I will upload them later!)

Blanton's whiskey/bourbon top. Yep, we all sure did shots, and then they let us have the top. They have letters on them that spell out Blanton's. Just in case you didn't know that...this is totally a collectible.

Sweet Stell-dog chillin on the couch.

Killer work robot. Actually he's not killer here. Next picture, he'll have a razor blade, I swear. I love my work place.

So yay or nay on the 365 project? I guess I don't have to decide right now...but it sure is tempting....

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