I was messing with the layout of this blog thing, checking out some backgrounds, and I ended up back at the same thing I started with. And it got me thinking.
I do this a lot with my own life as well. I go in for a change...only to change it back to the original way it was 2 or 3 months later...or even sooner, 2 or 3 weeks later.
Let's take my schizophrenic (sp?) hair for starters. I cannot decide for the life of me how I want my hair. One day I want it blonde, like in my picture. Other times, I think I like it brunette, like how it is now. Sometimes I want highlights, sometimes I want to go full on red. And for some reason, I always end up going back to blonde. That's what makes me feel prettiest for some reason. And apparently when you start getting older, you're supposed to go lighter...and not darker? I don't know.
Anyway, the purpose of this post was to point out my new picture. That is actually one that I took down in New Orleans. What do you think? I know it's nothing spectacular, but it was one of the very first shots that I took with my DSLR, and for some reason I'm in love with it.
We're supposed to be making another trip down to New Orleans this month, so maybe I can put my knowledge of aperture, shutter speed and all of that other stuff to use on this trip. And since my light meter (I'm sure there is some other technical term for it) will be fixed, I'm sure taking pictures will be much easier.
Oh...and Chris. Thanks for commenting. I would really like a chance to catch up with you and find out what is going on in your life....you know. If you want.
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