
The Perfect Birmingham Day

Last Saturday was reserved for doing all things Birmingham.

It didn't really start out being planned that way, but it just sort of happened.  I have always wanted to go to Pepper Place Market, and in the five years I've lived here, I have never gone.  I don't even know if it was a thing back when I first moved here.  

Anyway, it wasn't was I expected it to be!  It was humongous!  There were so many stands and so much stuff!  I didn't know where to start.  We walked around the first time, just kind of in a daze, trying to take it all in.  We walked through the food, then through the craft section and back through the food again.  We settled on a shaker of spices from Dak's Spices, some Chilton County peaches, and this guy:

Meet my cute ass succulent, Antoine.

After wading our way through a million people, we had gathered quite an appetite.  I've wanted to go to Urban Standard for so long, sooo of course I won that battle and that's where we went.

I got the iced coffee and biscuit with sausage.  It was so simple, but so good!  It was so awesome that I decided to recreate it for Sunday breakfast.

Theirs was better.  I will be going back.  Next time, most likely for dessert.

Then after much cleaning, shopping, other weekend chores, I was starving.  And the only thing that came to mind was Rojo.

I loooove Rojo, but very rarely go, because of how popular it is and how packed it normally is.  But, I put on my thinking cap, and was like, "hey, it's Memorial Day weekend, maybe no one will be there."  And I was correct.  

I had the enormous chipotle pork and mushroom burrito and pretty much died right afterwards.  I don't remember being that full in a long while.  We also thought it was a brilliant idea to order a pitcher of PBR.  We were reminded that that is almost never a brilliant idea.

Afterwards, we treated ourselves to a few beautiful Birmingham only photos:

I can't wait to have another only Birmingham day!

There is so much to explore in the city!


  1. This post is just full of Birmingham awesomeness!!! I have always wanted to go to Pepper Place but it is just too far for us to drive on a Saturday morning. We don't usually head downtown until the afternoons if we are coming. Maybe one day before it gets too hot we will venture out to it!

    I have only been to Rojo one, but I liked it! I love the area that it is in! I have also only been to Urban Standard once.

    I have a list of places that I want to try that keeps growing and growing!!

  2. I haven't had those kind of days in a long while. I might need to change it soon. If you ever go back to Rojo, try their Brownie Sunday. It's so damn good!!!


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