
Life Through the iPhone

It's no secret that I pretty much am attached to my iPhone.  I feel naked without it.  I hate not having it and go into panic mode if I don't know where it is.  

So it's just common sense that at any given point in time I have over 1000 pictures on that thing.  I really do try to go through and delete old ones; ones that I know I have backed up times a million.  But I just don't want to.  I like having them all at my fingertips and right where I can see them.

So here are a few from the past couple of weeks: enjoy!

Because who doesn't love a couple of coworkers kids enjoying their Valentine's Day loot?

Because who doesn't love a delicious homemade brunch?

Because I looooove Dan Brown and was super excited to get this!

Because I can't wait till fall to be able to wear my awesome new Hate on Jay Cutler shirt.

Because who doesn't take pictures at a Kmart when the animals spill just so it looks like an assassination?

Because who doesn't buy two succulents and then proceed to name them?

Because this was awesome.

Because I really really really love roses.

If you want to see more of this awesomeness into my daily life, you can most certainly follow me on Instagram @lauraannau.

Because you know I'm gonna have my phone, and you know I'm going to take a picture of something.

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