

(image via google images)


Another damn year.

I'm not sad to see 2013 go, but I don't know if I'm happy to see 2014 here either.  There have been so many eye-opening things to happen to me in 2013, most of them that I wish would have opened them further.

But as in that old saying goes, life is a bitch.  

So I don't necessarily have any resolutions for 2014, but more a few things I would like to accomplish.

Number 1:  Move the heck out of Alabama.  I haven't been happy here in forever; I've wanted to move since the second I got here.  2014 is going to make it happen.

Number 2:  Deactivate Facebook, and that's done.  It's too easy for people to be hurtful, whether it's being defriended by someone, or having to see the opinions of close-minded people posted for the world to see, just for the purpose of starting an argument.  I'm done with it.

Number 3:  Stop trusting everybody.  Not everybody is acting in your best interest; not everybody cares what happens to you.

Number 4:  Get a pixie cut.  I'm going bold this year.  

Number 5:  Learn more about politics.  Maybe even prepare myself to vote in the next election?  Maybe that's asking too much.  Probably, but we'll see.

Number 6:  Go back to school.  Whether that means going to get my MBA or go to beauty school, it's going to happen.

I hope everyone had a fantastic New Year's Eve.  I'm looking forward to sharing another year.  

PS.  Sorry for all of the listing posts.  This is the last one for a while.  Promise.

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