
My Pretty Friend Rachel...

this past weekend, my pretty friend Rachel came in from Atlanta to spend some time with me.

Rachel and i met and became friends in sort of a weird way.  we dated the same guy.  i went to high school with the dude, but "dated," and i decided to add quotations, because i should be using that term loosely, but we "dated," after college.  he dated miss Rachel sometime in college.  after a facebook conversation, she started to not like me too much.

fast forward to six years later, where i see her again for the first time at a Braves game with lo and behold, mr dated man, and we click.

just click.  and although she's way smarter than me, we both share a lot of interests; in those including a love of delicious beer, Bruce Springsteen, and hair products.

she's a little crazy, but she balances out my quiet reserved side.

those things she's about to devour are the boudin balls at J Clyde.  

they are amazing.

and i had a super fun weekend with her.  i'm hoping to get to do it again sometime, except spend the weekend in the big ATL.

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