
End of the Week Thoughts

This week has been absolutely horrendous. Work has been horrible, as well as a few other things this week.  

I really hate the quote above, too.  It's one of those things that I really have to believe right now, because if I can't force myself to believe it right now, then I might just cry.

I've been trying to think of some good that happened this week, but I just keep coming up empty.  I will say that I'm starting to feel like I fit in a little bit better at the new place, and that the actual work is getting a little easier.

AND happy to officially say that Ingrid (my ole partner-in-crime from CRST) will be joining me as a fleet leader on November 18th.  Which can only mean good things to come!

Right now I'm just thankful that it is the end of the week, that I have a glass of wine, and Auburn plays tomorrow.

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