
Full Length- Fourth

Now that I've had some time to settle down (ahem, sober up) from the Fourth weekend, I should be able to explain a little better about it.
My Dad and step-mom came in for the holiday, and the first night here, of course we took them to Slice, again for an amazing pizza.  We also got the baked feta this time, and y'all!  They aren't playing around with that stuff!  I could have eaten (or could eat) it for a meal (every day).  But alas, because of some stupid bet I made at work ( you know, those dumb bets where you say you can drink the most water on one day and you end up drinking a gallon and a half of water?  yep, that happens), I could only manage one slice of pizza and a couple pieces of cracker with the feta on it.  Super bummed out.  But I learned my lesson, and also learned that there is something called water drunk.  Hmmm, might have to look into that a little bit further.
Anyway, after a pleasant night outside with a few cocktails, we all went to bed to get ready for the next day's festivities which included, but are not limited to:  failing miserably at making cake pops, hanging fans from Party City on our kitchen ceiling, making Ramen Noodle Salad (recipe to come!), smoking meat, entertaining three children, and watching a short fireworks show in the rain.

It was a really great night.  'Scuse the crying looking eyes; I tend to get emotional around the Fourth.  Who knows why?  I suppose I have some issues.
Hope yours was a great one too!!

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