
Throw-Back Thursday: Sisterly Love #tbt

I've been seeing this #tbt thing going around on Facebook and on Twitter, and decided, hey!  That is a fantastic idea!  Put up old pictures of people; see if you can embarrass them by tagging them on Facebook.  Everyone has a good laugh because of your haircut, your clothes, and ahem, whoever you happened to be dating at the time.
So instead of doing this on Facebook or Twitter, I am going to bring it to the blog.  Maybe not every Thursday, because let's face it; I'm scatterbrained and probably won't remember past three Thursdays from now.
Early on in this week, I talked about my sister and how much I wanted to be more like her.  While reminiscing through some old pictures, I found some of us that I wanted to share.  This first one is obviously from an Easter past. 
I love our faces in this picture, and oh my God, look at the hair on the two of us!!  My sister's face is what made me want to post this the most!  And that old-timey Easter basket?  I wish I could still find one like that!
But this one, this picture takes the cake when it comes to favorite pictures of me and my sister...
Back story you say?  Ok.
My sister and I were being punished, for what I can't remember.  But Dad started pumping music onto the back patio, which we were cleaning for our punishment.  So we started singing and dancing with our brooms, and all of a sudden Dad pulls out the camera, and snaps this gem of me and my sis.
We were pretty cute back then, June!  Love you!

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