* We found Abita Strawberry at the World Market . We were beyond excited. Find it. Love it. *
* I did not get the promotion at work. I'm almost sort of glad it worked out the way it did. *
* I think I'm going to start taking golf lessons; more on that soon. *
* I'm trying to get back to writing, but for some reason, I'm having a hard time coming up with a story line. I've recently read Farewell to Arms by Hemingway and am reading another memoir by the guy who wrote Jarhead. I think I took that comment on my manager assessment about not reading a little too much to heart. Although the test told me that I was completely mentally competent, I still feel some need to prove somebody wrong. Yet another character flaw *
* The bombings in Boston. I am glad they found those people who did it. I will never understand the amount of crazy in this world; I can't even wrap my mind around those people who want to do nothing but hurt and maim other people. It absolutely makes no sense to me. *
* I've been kind of scared of my blood clots lately. I think it's because my back has been bothering me, and that will always remind me them. It's nothing even close as severe to the pain of the blood clots, but it's still scary. *
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