
Epiphany Part 2

For me this past weekend was one for thinking.  I'm not sure what came across me, but I kept thinking about how I've been treated my whole life.

At least once a week someone calls me naive or too trusting.  When I got my managerial assessment back, it seriously shocked me to find out that not only do normal people think this, even computers can tell.  I've always tried to be someone that people respect and trust, but for some reason, I've been walked on a lot in my lifetime.  

I know that I've been taken advantage of more than once; some because I was just too afraid to be nice, or some because I genuinely didn't know what was happening.  I've let people string me along to the point where I don't even know what is going on anymore.  Some people have done some terrible things to me, and I've forgiven them.  But it builds up in you; like some terrible rage, and I know that can't be healthy.  

But the more I think about it, the more I realize that people treat me this way because I let them.  I let people use me; I let them walk on me like a doormat; I trust everything coming out of their mouths, because I just didn't know any better.  And this pattern of behavior has been following me around for as long as I can remember.

So I made the conscious decision this weekend to stop it;  I will stop letting people treat me like crap.  And it was as simple as that.  I always admired my sister, because she doesn't take crap from anybody.  She'll call someone out and not be afraid at all.  She'll get what she wants from mean people on the phone, so I am going to be more like my younger sister.  And that's that.  

And to get away from the seriousness, here's a song I've been totally digging lately.

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