
Happy Easter!

Happy Nola Easter!

B and I (as well and Linds and JM) will be spending our Easter weekend in New Orleans.  Too excited, wish you could be there, too.



I've never really understood people.

All my life I've worked with them; I've never been one to just input numbers behind a desk.  Most of the time, I like interacting with people.  Most people have good intentions, and most are worthy of your trust.  For most people, I do believe that there is some bit of good somewhere in them.

And then there are some people that just aren't.  They thrive on gossiping about people and saying things about them that aren't true.  And then it comes in that these people are supposed to be your friend.  I have been dealing with this a lot with some of the people at work, spreading vicious and untrue rumors about me.  About me being unfaithful to my husband and using my looks to get ahead.  That in itself is just painful to even write, for a couple of reasons.  First one being that I love my husband; if I had any intentions of being unfaithful, I would automatically exit myself from the relationship.  Second one being, I'm pretty average looking.  If I am forced to use what I look like to get ahead, I will not be going very far.

Also, I have worked around males my entire life, so it's no secret to me or anyone that I relate better to them than girls.  I work in transportation; it's not a very female-friendly field, so when I build a good relationship with someone, the likelihood of them being male is pretty high up there.  And you can build relationships with the opposite sex just as easily as the same sex.  I am not of the belief that boys and girls can't just be friends.  They can.  And will be. 

Probably for awhile.

I try not to let it get to me, mainly because I don't want this person to know that he has gotten to me, but when other people who are supposed to be your friends don't even say anything, not a simple, "hey, shut the hell up, you're wrong," that hurts even worse.  

I know that I'm a good person, and I hate that I have to remind myself of this every day, because I feel like I'm being judged.  I guess it's just hard for me to believe that someone has so little to do that they just put people down, and have enough time to talk to everyone else about it.  It's incredibly painful, and it's pain that's unjust.  

I do believe for the most part that people are good, and your true friends will stick up for you.  This whole situation has opened my eyes even wider to something I already knew was true; you can't trust anyone but yourself.

One of the few pictures I like of myself; even through the hair in my face, you can still tell I'm smiling.


Wednesday Ramblings

* I've decided to get serious again with my writing.  I miss it so much.  Whether it just be in a journal, or an open, empty Word document.  There is so much that can be written, it just seems wrong not to *

*  I can't get enough of Classical Solo Piano station on Pandora.  Obsessed *

*  B and I recently watched three movies that I highly recommend:  Argo, Zero Dark Thirty, and This is 40.  Watching movies was a great way to pass the yucky, thunderstormy weather ridden weekend we had*

* Planning a trip to DC soon to see the cherry blossoms when they come out; I'm pretty excited about that*

* I've recently gotten really into adding color into my wardrobe.  I've never been much afraid of color to begin with, but now that there are neons out everywhere, I'm pretty excited about it *

* Questioning decisions you've made in your past really sucks.  Especially now that you know that everything worked out for the better.  Those blasted little words, what if, never seem to go away.  Ya know?  *

* I am trying Dr. Oz's swimsuit slim down.  Instead of doing it for all three meals, I'm only making the grossest drink you'll ever have for dinner.  Look it up.  Drink full of grapefruit grossness.  This is all to ensure that I don't look like a beached whale for our beach trip this summer *

* B, Linds, JM and I will be spending our Easter in New Orleans this weekend.  JM's never been.  I can't wait to show him all the wonderfulness of that place.  Maybe this time we just won't come back.   A girl can dream can't she?  *


Sights of California - as through B

As one of B's last trips, he got to travel to California.  I can't tell you how jealous I was.  I only wish I would have had more vacation at work, because it would have been really nice to travel there.  

My family lived in Yorba Linda when I was really young, and that was the last time I've been out there.  I just want to travel.  I want to make it to everywhere.  You are only put on this planet for a short amount of time, and I'm all about getting every ounce out of it that you can.  Sometimes you have to do the responsible thing, but I will be kicking myself for not coming down with some super bug during this travel week.  

Like any good hubby of a blogger, he took pictures of the food that he ate (which will come later.  He has to be willing to sit next to me for an entire blog post for that one to happen), but he did get some really great shots of his surroundings.  I hope you get to live vicariously through these pictures, like I did.

I can't wait to show some of the food from his trip.  That guy is not afraid to eat anything. 


Strawberry Delight

Again with the strawberries!  I can't seem to get enough of the taste of these things!  They're everywhere right now and completely amazing.  

When I ran across a recipe for an 85-calorie cupcake with strawberry in the name, I knew I had to give it a shot.  Also only four ingredients.  It doesn't get much better or yummier than this.

Recipe courtesy of here

Strawberry Cheesecake Cupcakes

* 1 box of Pillsbury Strawberry Cake Mix
* 1 tub Fat Free Cool Whip
* 1 box of Instant Sugar-Free Cheesecake Pudding
* 12 oz of Diet Cherry 7-up

To Make:
*Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

* Empty contents of cake mix into large mixing bowl.  Add 12 oz (1.5 cups) of Diet Cherry 7-up, and mix well.

*Place cupcake liners in a cupcake pan, and fill approximately 5/8 full of batter.

* Bake for about 20 mins. (I did exactly 20 mins, and they came out perfectly!), and let them cool for about 30-45 minutes.

*While they are cooling, empty contents of Cool Whip and the pudding mix into a medium bowl and stir until blended. 

*Once your cupcakes are completely cooled, add the icing.  I found with the consistency of the icing, it was really hard to smooth out.  So, they ended up looking a bit weird, but they were still delicious.

The cake on these came out really really moist.  B took them to work for his new co-workers.  As a new kid, I figure you can never bring too many baked goods to work.

We had two new people start at work today.  Apparently there are a lot of changes going on.  I have decided to throw my hat in for the customer service manager position.  I'm not really sure what I'm getting myself into, or if they'll even entertain the idea, so I guess we'll see.

I just hope they see in me that I'm good at what I do, and that I'll be a good manager.  With some training, of course.  I don't expect to just be able to walk in there and know what I'm doing.  Everything there has gotten so muddled and confusing.  I'm not sure anyone knows what's going on, or what's going to happen.  Maybe I can be some part of making my co-workers lives better if I have some input into it.  That's really the main drive behind even asking; I know how they feel about things, because I feel the same way, and maybe if my opinion counts for something other than nothing, I can help make it better.


Happy Thurs-dog.

The week has gotten better.  I have recently re-discovered my love for writing.  I had someone tell me that it was good. 

I, of course, don't and probably won't ever sample any of it on here.  I am way too insecure for any of that, but it makes me think that maybe, at some point in my life, I wasn't kidding myself when I said I wanted to be a writer.

Maybe it isn't too late.  

These sweet doggie pictures come courtesy from our night of drunken music listening.  Stella was definitely checking out B when he was singing "California Love."  She wasn't quite sure about any of that.  That was one of the funnest nights we've had in awhile, and we were in our PJ's with a glass of wine, sitting on the floor listening to old CD's.  

It was a good night.


Wednesday Ramblings

  • If I've learned anything in this life, it's that no matter how nice you are to people, they will always talk about you.  They will invent rumors designed to destroy who you are and to pull you down to their level.  I have been dealing with a lot of this at work, and all I can do is try to just let it roll of my back.  It's hard, and I'm trying.
  • People come into your life for a reason.  They stay with you for a lifetime for a reason.  I strongly believe that every encounter you have isn't for naught.  Every heartbreak, smile, laugh, frown makes you who are you.  Embrace it.
  • When life is truly sucking, try to smile through it.  No good can come out of wishing either you or the situation were different.  It simply just is.
  • Good co-workers can get you through any shitty day.
  • Sometimes you just have to admit that you need someone to take care of you.  Whether it be your spouse, parents, dog, whatever.  Sometimes you just want someone to make you a grilled cheese and run their fingers through your hair.  Yes, the dog will probably have a hard time with the last two, but at least they will always be at the door, tail wagging, when you get home.
  • Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same.  Thank you The Fray for coming up on my random iPhone mix this morning.  Technology, sometimes you know just what a girl needs to hear.
  • There is nothing wrong with wanting to wear sweats to bed.  Sometimes you don't feel very good about yourself and just want to cover it all up, and this is OK.
  • It's also OK to not wear eyeliner every day of the week; sometimes a little mascara goes a long way.
I've been obsessed with this song all week.  Not quite sure why I haven't listened to it before...  


Moe's BBQ - Lakeview

Now I know that this is not limited strictly to Lakeview District.  These guys seem to be popping up everywhere lately; Trussville, Galleria, and I know they've got one over in Tuscaloosa.  But seriously?  Their white BBQ sauce is second to none.  

After work on Friday, I decided to meet up with B and some of his "old" work friends to celebrate the end of BBVA Compass as his employer, and to ring in the new employer so to speak.  So I met them down at Innisfree for a few celebratory drinks.  Yes, I skipped the work out and decided that maybe, just maybe, after the entirely sucky week I had, I deserved a vodka drink or two.  Innisfree is great up until about 11, where it gets young and crowded.

Yes, I'm 29 and I just said young and crowded.  Yet another sign that I am indeed getting older.  And I just said indeed.  I'm pretty sure the aging process never ends.  

Anyway, after a couple drinks (by the way the weather was gorgeous, and we enjoyed most of our beverages out on the patio), we decided we were hungry.  And across the street, there's Slice (which I've talked about numerous times on the ole blog here), and Moe's.  There was lots of loud fun music coming from Moe's so that's where we settled in for a bit.

I decided on the BBQ sandwich with potato salad and mac n cheese.  You can tell I wasn't completely in my right mind (am I ever?), because I really took a picture of a BBQ sandwich with the wrapper on.  Sometimes even I am in awe of my complete unawareness.  

The live music was great.  And I was forced to watch Duke lose yet another game, forcing me to have to pay for lunch the next day.  One day I will stop betting on those guys; they never seem to pull through for me.  

B decided on the wings, and apparently were the best wings he's had in Bham.  Also their banana pudding and jalapeno cornbread.  Definitely a good idea.  

These restaurants in Birmingham sure have a good thing going when the weather is fantastic.  Excited for some more happy fun weather this weekend.


Mr. P's - Bluff Park

Yes, so it's been awhile since I've blogged.  As I'm sure I've mentioned before, my job seems to keep bringing me down to its level and upsetting me.  Last week was pretty bad.  This week doesn't seem to be looking up at all; yes, I'm aware it's Monday.

I wouldn't wish this job on anyone.  So again, the weekend came, and I wanted to just enjoy it.  I just wanted to sit on my booty, drink a little and eat some yummy food.

So B took me to Mr. P's in Bluff Park.  It's a butcher/deli that makes fantastic sandwiches.  And Mr. Pilleteri?  Actually works the counter most days.  Yep: awesome.

The sandwich on the left is the Italian sausage sandwich, and on the right is the Tiger.  Both sandwiches were fantastic of course.  And the all-purpose sauce?  Pretty much goes on everything, and makes everything taste fantastic.

This weekend was so pretty; it was about 75 degrees, able to wear a tank-top and flip-flops.  Sometimes I honestly love living in the South. 


Past Weeks

The last couple of weeks have been hard.  It's been hard to remind myself that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  And I'm forced to remember the words of an old friend, "Everything ends up alright in the end; if it's not alright, it's not the end."

I just feel like the weight of the world has come down on me, and I've for some reason convinced myself that I'm not strong enough to handle it.  Most of the reasons are because of work, but it just seems that nothing has been going right lately.  If I can drop it, I will.  If I can spill it on myself, I will.  If it rains, I most certainly will not have an umbrella.

My work requires weekend shifts; they're not often, but every once in a while on these weekend shifts, we are to take home a "weekend phone," which is complete torture.  The phone can ring at any time of night, any time of day, and we're required to answer it.  I had one driver this weekend who talked to me in a way that I had never been spoken to before.  And that weekend that I so cherish?  It's gone.  It's working 12 days in a row.  

So you get down on yourself.  Or, I get down on myself.  My spirits are down, and then what happens?  One of my great friends is in the hospital with his new born, really sick.  My heart is breaking for these wonderful people who don't deserve any of this bad luck.  Please keep them in your prayers.  

So I'm going to leave you with a picture of one of the things that makes me the happiest girl in the world, and another inspiring quote:  "Never let the sun set on tomorrow, before the sun rises today"


A Few Favorite People

In case you didn't know, B recently took a new position with a new company.  He will not be traveling.  Like at all.  But one of the great things that he will take with him are his amazing friends.  They are seriously some of the funnest people I've ever hung out with.  I'm sure that they'll still be friends and play golf/eat at Slice/ play the dance game with his crazy wife in the future, but he will not be around them as much at work.

So, for B, here are a few pictures to always remember them by...

  Another week is over.  And although it hasn't been quite as unbearable as some of the past weeks, it's still been pretty bad.

So while I don't look forward to having to work this weekend and carry the after hours phone, I am looking forward to another Joey Malone Bloody Mary afternoon.  This time he's even bringing his guitar and promised to sing songs about all the people at work, plus some of the drivers.

Excitement people, excitement.  Hope you have a fantastic weekend!


Southern Museum of Flight ~Birmingham, AL

Another fantastic fun thing about Birmingham!  I didn't even know this existed until seeing a billboard on my way to work one day.

When we pulled up to the place, it's very unassuming; just a gigantic white hangar with two sections . One section was dedicated to early aviation, and the other section was more focused on military.  Apparently, also, it's a pretty popular place for young boys birthday parties.  Duly noted, you know, just in case it happens.

The place is really close to the actual Birmingham airport.  We went down the road next to it, and waited for a plane to take off.  Which it did.  Right in front of us.  The whole thing was strangely romantic.  And nice.  To top it all off, it was snowing. 


2nd Ave

While riding around this weekend, B wanted to show me his favorite graffiti.  So we drove down 2nd Ave and found it.  And found an old abandoned building next door, and a do not enter sign with some interesting graffiti on it.

It all reminded me of this song I'm currently loving.  Gorgeous.  Birmingham can be so beautiful in so many ways.  As often as I say I don't want to live here, sometimes I'm really glad that I do.  A short and sweet post for today.  


B's Austin Trip

Last week, B was in Austin . Was I jealous?  Yes, of course.  While he was there, he got himself a pretty nice pair of boots.  One day, I'll have a pair, too.  Hopefully this spring, we'll make our way over there again.  It really honestly depresses me just talking about it, but these places were worth a mention on the good ole blog here.

This is probably the place I'm most jealous of B going to.  I mean look at that doughnut!!  Can you even tell that it's a doughnut?!  Yes, underneath that pile of bacon is a doughnut.  I've read other Austinites talk about this place, and before I die, I will eat one of these.  Maybe two. 

 Next place B went was Hubert's Taco Hut in San Marcos.  B had some enchiladas with ranchero sauce.  He says, "good."  And a sweet ass picture of George Strait never hurts.  Signed.  Wants.

 B says this was from Cooper's Pit BBQ.  He just got a picture of the food because he was in awe when we walked in . Apparently there is a gigantic pit as soon as you walk in, you tell them how much you want and whether or not you want it dunked.

One day, I'll train him to get pictures of the outside as well as anything that may be interesting.  Like a giant pit in the middle of a place.

I guess at least I get him to participate in such madness, and I should be happy.  That's all I can ask for.  Participation points for B.