
Philly - Through the Eyes of a Hubby

My husband does not take pictures of everything like I do.  As much as I try to get him to get into this blog thing, he just doesn't seem to want to.

At one point in time, I thought I had him talked into at least writing a post or two every now and then, but that fantasy didn't last long.  I have told him that he has the best job to take pictures; next month he's traveling to Canada, San Marcos and Los Angeles.  What better job to take pictures of everything?  I know that if I had that job, my blog would be twenty times more interesting.  But alas, my job is full of trucking and telephone calls, and not fun traveling, so I have to rely on him to take pictures of things.

So during our trip to Philly, he did happen to snap a few...  

That last picture is from a bar that I'm pretty sure had the name rooster in it.  And if you've seen my kitchen, you know I looooove roosters.  I'm kinda mad that guy's jacket was in the way; or I'm mad that I was too lazy to get up and take a picture around it.  Either, way, you can sort of tell that it's a rooster.  

I have threatened B's life if he doesn't take any good pictures while in California.  Because I'm sure that I won't be headed there any time soon.

I do love my crazy little  B.

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