
The Touristy Side of Things ; Philly Part 3

So there were cheese steaks.  I mean, we were in Philly for pete's sake.  I know they probably don't like to be only known for those little bits of heaven, but seriously, Philadelphians?  It's really not that bad of a thing to be known for.  

B wanted to try the main places that are known for them.  Pat's and Geno's.  I think these guys were on the Food Wars show as well, except I don't know who won between the two.

 This one is Pat's.  Yes, it looks so freakin good.  Cheese Whiz (cuz you really shouldn't use anything else), wit onions.  Yes, wit onions.  They give you instructions on how to order before you get to the window and screw it up.  And the way these guys were at the window, I wouldn't be surprised if they made you go to the back of the line.

This is Geno's.  Also with Cheese Whiz and onions.  

If I had to pick one, I'd have to go Geno's.  I just would.  We went to the Rooster Bar after the second cheese steak, and they were telling us about some place called Joe's.  But we didn't make it there.

Geno's had more meat, plus every inch of that damn thing was covered in cheese.  It was amazing.

And since we were also in Philly, what trip wouldn't be complete without seeing the Rocky statue? (fyi we skipped the Liberty Bell and the LOVE sign, because we'd already done that once).  So we meandered down to the Museum of Art to get a picture with the statue and to run up the stairs.

 I'm not really sure what was so fascinating off to my right, but it was something enough to take my mind of the picture.  Funny, how I didn't even get a picture of the stairs.

 The view from the top of the stairs.  It was a cold, rainy PA day, but for some reason, I really like this shot.  It could have been, because it was kind of peaceful, because no one was out, or it could be the way the clouds are covering up the tops of the buildings.

Either way, it was fun to do some of the touristy things.

Because B definitely doesn't do tourist.  

In case you were wondering, I lost the race to the top of the stairs.  I could have beaten him if I put my purse down, but that was not happening.

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