
Wednesday Ramblings

  • I got to meet my most favorite driver in the whole world today, Dakota.  I have known some terrible truck drivers, but he is definitely not one of them.  He has always been so sweet to me, and he has hauled some of my terrible freight, just because of the relationship we have.  He is a fantastic driver and all around awesome dude.
Say hi Dakota!
  • I started using that BB cream that has been all the rage lately.  To be honest, I haven't noticed that big of a difference with using that.  Except that it was a clever ploy for me to shell out more money on make up that I will never use.
  • I made a major decision in the last week: I decided that I was going to go to my high school reunion after all.  Ignoring the fact that I lost a major bet that is making me go, it may not actually be that bad. 
  • I got to eat a Doritos Locos Taco today!  I was so excited when B said we could have them for dinner.  I have been wanting to try one ever since they came out! And it was everything I dreamed it would be.

  • There's a sweet little bakery in town, DreamCakes, and they make the most amazing cupcakes known to man.  Naturally, I follow them on Facebook, and when I saw this picture this morning....

I flipped out!!!  I mean, are you serious?  The fun part about this is that Buffalo Rock actually supplied this bakery with the original syrup so it could stay true to the flavor.  I mean really?  I am so there this weekend.  Cheat day all around.

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