
Journey to the Top; a story of Fear.

Let me pose a question.  A girl that is terrified of flying couldn't possibly be okay with riding in an elevator 600 feet up to the top of the Gateway Arch, could she?  

Absolutely not . 

I was terrified of doing this.  Let me show you what we got to ride up in.

Oh yes.  A pod.  That fits only five people.  On a cable that has a clear see-through window/door.  And ifyou're taller than about 5'4", you're going to be sitting the exact way B and I are sitting.  In case you can't tell by the look on my face, I was only slightly terrified.  
 Door of doom.  There are 8 of these things.  It looks like a door out of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  They open up, and it seriously looks like a spaceship.   

So then after about a four and a half minute ride up, you are up in the Arch.  And since you know, the arch, is well, arch-shaped, you can feel the pod as it zig zags to the top.  

And then you step out, walk up some more stairs...and see this.

FYI I look like crap because B and I were out till 2 am, and then woke up at 7am.  And I was scared as hell.

Dad and Carla.

Carla had promised that if I was good, I would get a candy bar when (if) we got back down.  So this is how I was on the way down...

Happy trip to the top of the Arch; something I'll never have to do again in my life.

I got a Milky Way in case you were curious.

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