
From My Dad's Camera

When we were in Green Bay, we all took pictures.  B took 170 pictures of just the game.  Of course he got a little snap happy with the good camera (I think Miller had a thing or two to do with that), and I got a little happy with the iPhone.  But these things happen.  

A couple days ago, my dad set up an account on Shutterfly that he shared with me, and of course, all the Green Bay pictures were on there.  And here's what I found...

Yes, this is my Dad doing the predator. 

Going into Lambeau....Green and gold everywhere!!

After the game.

Happy.  We won!

Finally got a real smile out of him.

Me and B.
Never allowed.
Close up.

By Lake Michigan.

This week has been awful.  I can't remember a time when I've had this bad a week at work.  I try to just count down the hours until it's time to go home.  Or until the weekend.  I try to tell myself every day that in the grand scheme of things, having a dispatcher yell at me, or missing a load is not the end of the world.  But no matter what I tell myself, I will never actually believe it.  

I'm wired to worry about everything and to worry about what everyone thinks about me at every point in time.  It is just a job, but I have an irrational fear of getting fired, or getting yelled at.  I hate confrontation.  I guess it just boils down to me not liking what I do.

At all.

I'm hoping that with a move I will finally be able to do something that I want to do.

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