
Things I Believe In...

I've been seeing this post go around, so I'm gonna follow suit.  I've read a numerous about of these posts, and each one inspirational....so here we go.

  I believe in balloons.  Big ones.  What about balloons doesn't make a person smile? (umm, yes, regardless of age).

I believe in spending crazy amounts of money on something because you want it, or someone you love wants it.

I believe that having a good work ethic is one of the most important characteristics a person can have.

I believe that there is no such thing as taking too many pictures.  Of anything.  Food, your dog, etc.

Nothing wrong with giving your sweet pup kisses....umm,while taking a picture of it.

I believe that dogs are a powerful healing source.  I mean, have you ever spent the night cuddling your dog?  Or letting them cuddle you when you're sad?  

I believe that a double cheeseburger can sometimes be the best therapy in the world.

I believe that a good sweaty workout can take the stress out of any day.

I believe that a day on the beach is better than a day in the mountains any day.

I believe that girls can know a thing or two about football (or sports in general) and it's not crazy.

I believe that it's not bad to be bad at "Words With Friends."  

I believe that it's ok for it to be almost be the month before the election, and still not care about it.

I believe that wearing bright colors is never a bad idea.  

I believe in coffee.  Maybe two or three (or four) cups a day.  

I believe in decorating early for holidays, and for adults to be just as excited about them as children.

I believe in cloud shapes.

I believe in not flipping my mattress, no matter how many skin cells are in there.  I mean have you ever tried to flip a mattress?  Not my idea of a good time.

I believe in pizza for dinner five days a week.

I believe in the dollar section at Target, actually scratch that.  I believe that it's ok to buy whatever the hell you want at Target, because let's face it, everything there is awesome.

I believe that humor over anything else can cure most things.  Yes, I believe in fate, and love and all that good stuff, but if you can't laugh at any of it, what's the point?


My Trip Home.

I love Atlanta.

It is definitely a place that brings up old memories, good or bad.  Most of them good.  I remember hanging out with my friends in our hometown, Marietta, cruising Barrett Parkway, going to the movie theater, trying to find boys to flirt with, eating crappy Mexican food, trying to find boys to flirt with....etc.  

Atlanta was where I saw the 1996 Olympics, became an enormous Braves fan (holla for them getting to the postseason in Chipper's last season!!), saw them win the 1995 World Series...first kissed the boy I'd admired from afar in high school four years after we graduated, coming back home for New Years Eve celebrations while in college.

Despite how much I hated high school, I still love going back there.  Crazy nostalgia.  So when I went back for the Auburn game, I had to see my bestie, Robin, and of course, hang out at the Marietta Diner (home to many a piece of midnight pie and prom after dinners).

Will always love the ATL.  Definitely go there and have fun, and of course, go to the Marietta Diner and the Big Chicken.


Before We Go....

So what does a girl and her B, who love to eat, decide they have to do once the decision has been made to move?

Why make a list of all the places we have to eat at before leaving, of course!!!  So we started a list here...

on our blackboard in the kitchen!!

It combines sad and happy...the imminent move (both scary and happy), and sad for leaving the place that we've made our home together for the past five years.  So we thought super hard and went through all the "Best of Birmingham" winners to find out the places we absolutely had to try before our move.

So the first one we tried out was Pinches Tacos, duh, it's scratched out.  

See below for all the awesomeness...

In case you don't like to try new things, they have their Gringo Menu.

super fun light fixtures!!

blood orange margarita.  These were not week drinks....

All located in California, well except for the one in Homewood, AL.  I don't get it either...

They had these all over the insides.  They are supposed to represent the bosses.

the al pastor and carnitas tacos.

the fish and lengua tacos.
Yes, that is actually tongue.  Hence lengua tacos.  Not to worry though; you honestly can't feel them, and it tastes amazing.

See...they told us.

The story of the Pinches.

This place was really fun.  I'm so glad it made the list!  Their tacos are fantastic, and make sure you have a blood orange margarita!

Can't wait to try all the rest!!


Who Likes to Take a Million Pics In Front of the Vegas Sign?? Me!!

Again, a little delayed with the Vegas pictures, but I've recently moved all of my pictures from one place to on this computer, and recently found all these great crazy pictures of some funness!

And of course, Vegas happened to be some of that fun.  Please see below for some crazy town pictures of me, B and the in-laws.

I wish for a super long, super fun vacation like this one again.  It was right as I was quitting Penske, and it was just a good time.  I knew that there were only a few short days at that place until I finally got to move on.

And I feel like I get to move on again, with this move to Austin.  It's going to bring a lot of changes to our life together.  In a good way.

I just can't wait to get out there.  I'm so ready to call myself a Texan!  Austin, we're coming soon!


Tim Tyler, the Extraordinary.

i went to a fairly big high school in Atlanta.  My graduating class had over 500 kids in it.  We were not all friends, and I swear to you now, that half the people I went to school with every day, still have no idea who I was or am.

but there was a boy I went to high school with, Tim Tyler.  We actually both went to AU together.  We didn't hang out high school; they only time I saw him in Auburn was when we went to see him play.  Because you see, Tim Tyler is a fantastic musician.  He can play the keyboards like nobody's business.  I have only seen him do cover songs, but they are fun cover songs.  

He does fraternity band parties, big venues in Auburn (skybar, etc..), venues in Atlanta, and when B and I saw that he was playing at Zydeco, a fun, grungy little bar in downtown, we decided we had to go.  And I made a promise to my friend Robin; if Tim remembered who I was, I would go to the high school reunion.  something I have been pushing against since I knew it was actually going to happen.  

A few pics from the night...

Not the best pictures in the world, but a fun semi-reunion regardless.  And also, sorry for the terrible lighting.  I am working on my iphone photography, promise.

Have a listen!  And follow him on Twitter @timtylermusic

Have a great weekend!


Something to Laugh About

I have had one heck of a crappy week.  I mean, just the worst.  First, I'm training someone, which is never fun when you actually have a job to do, and have to do it well.  Second, I got all sorts of sick yesterday (hence the no blog post; I was old lady and went to bed at 730), and then today get chewed out by two of our biggest customers at work....

and then B came across this awesomeness, and I can't stop laughing...

Hilarious.  Happy Thursday!


Last Week in Photos....

Saturday to Saturday...

Enjoying the AU game...ahem, before the loss to Miss State.

AU's defensive coordinator...fear the 'stache.

Sweet puppy dog eyes.

Haven't seen that distance in forever.

Packer Bear!!  Ready for the Packers/49ers game.  That they lost....

Hungry Howies and a brew.

Wilson made us a Boston butt for lunch.  It was delish.

Go to ride in a Viper!

Me and LS enjoying the Thursday night Packers game vs. the Bears.  Which they won.

Dusty came out too.

Celebratory bushwhackers at Lou's Pub.

Last week was a blast!!  Hope yours was too!!