
Weekend Date

After our tragic yard sale fail, we decided we needed to do something to perk ourselves up.  

We thought some more sleep would do the trick; it was thunderstorming and still dark, so it made perfect sense.

Except when we woke up, the sun was brightly shining, and well, in so many words, pissed us off.  We are trying so hard to put this house together so we can get it on the market; get it on the websites, and finally move the junk out of our basement.

But all to no avail.  We are still stuck with all the crap in the  basement with no open weekend in sight to get rid of it.

We needed to do something.

B suggested a dinner out.  So that's what we did.

We hit Village Tavern at the Summit on 280 to escape it all.

Colorado chips = yumminess. 

They have the best shrimp n grits known to man.  They have really yummy cheese grits with a ton of bacon and mushrooms.  Ugh, heaven.  B got a boring pizza so no pictures of his.

With our bellies full and still being somewhat tired from waking up so early, and moving all the furniture out, and then back in, we decided to go to bed.

And woke up to this...

sweet stell-dog.

and then later on rewarded ourselves with this...

creamsicle cocktail.
All in all, we are closer to putting the house on the market.  Maybe sometime this week.  :)

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