
B's iPhone Finds

every now and then i'll go through b's phone.

no, i'm not crazy.

no, i'm not looking for evidence of an affair.

i'm looking through his pictures!!  sometimes he'll take pictures when he goes on his travels, and sometimes he'll get a picture that i didn't get when we go on our travels together.  and sometimes there'll be some random picture that i can't figure out.

either way, i love looking through pictures and his phone is no exception.  see what i found below!!

a window full of pies!!  (he was in MD for a wedding)

cute picture of his piece of pie.  kind of looks like shoo fly pie to me!

big doughnut from Round Rock in Texas.

another picture of the humongous doughnut, plus a small peek of what else they have.

fireworks show after the Royals game.  i was probably in awe.  i heart fireworks.

and it's ok.  he knows that i do this.  he's usually sitting right by me. 

hopefully i can turn these into re-occuring posts!!

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