
Orlando Part I

Last week was weird.  I mean, yay for America celebrating its birthday whenever the hell it wants (on a Wednesday, geez!), but it made the week just weird.  Like there were two Mondays or something.  Anyway, B took me to Orlando this past weekend.  And it was a great treat from him.  Especially after some of the things I went through last week.

We spent the majority of the Fourth in a friend's pool, drinking vodka cranberry and reading Fifty Shades:

Stella's birthday bone! 

Vodka cranberry in an AU cup.  Anything better?  nope.

E's dog, that I tried to talk B into adopting since they are moving.  I mean, she could be Stell's twin!

Vulcan.  Where they shoot the fireworks.  We had great seats this year!!  Minus the kid playing the harmonica next to us.  That took about three seconds before it got old.

B and Stell.  It was her first time to go see the fireworks.  Needless to say, she hated it and was scared the whole time. 

Then came Orlando.  We went to this fantastic Cuban restaurant...Havana.  *yes, I get it.  A little cliche, but what are ya gonna do?

Personal sangria bottle.  Holla!

This was the best garlic bread I've ever eaten.

The inside.  We were definitely the only non-Hispanic people in this place.

Empanada yumminess.

Churrasco.  Recommended by our server.  And with good reason.

Plantains.  Or what I like to call, little pieces of heaven.

B had fried pork bits.  And they were so good.  They were even delicious reheated as a snack.

This place was nestled behind a million chain restaurants, behind a million tourists right next to nothing.  If ever down there, I highly recommend giving it a shot.

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