
April photo-a-day

Awesome right that it's May 21st, and I'm just now posting my pictures from photo-a-day in April?  Of course it is.  I am an incredible procrastinator.  I might as well put it up there with my talents of walking in heels and typing.  So instead of 2, I have 3.  so there, world.  

1. reflection  2. color  3. mail  4.  someone you like 5. tiny 6. your lunch 7. shadow 8. wallet 9. younger you 10. cold 11.  where you ate breakfast 12. stairs 13. something you found 14.  how you feel today 15.  sunset 16.  flower 17.  something you dislike 18.  hair 19. orange 20.  something you drew 21. bottle 22.  last thing you bought 23.  vegetable 24.  something you're grateful for 25.  looking down  26.  black & white 27.  somewhere you went   28.  1 pm  29.  circle  30.  something that makes you sad

I'm pretty proud of myself on this one. The 10 day challenge took me way more than 10 days to complete, but here you go, all 30 pictures for all 30 days in April.  

Boo yah.

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