
Day 6

So my dad said he checked out my blog...

And he commented on the color of my hair...

Not my awesome writing, or anything, but the color of my hair.  He hates it blonde.  Like hates it hates it.  But oh well.  I'm 28 and still disappointing my parents!!  At least I'm gainfully employed!!

Today has been another frustrating day.  I feel like I have so much on my plate at one time.  I would say that I should give up blogging, but I did that and didn't really like it too much.  I know that I don't talk about much of importance on here, but it's still a nice break from thinking about moving flatbed freight...

Anyway, onto Day 6...

6.  Waukesha, Wisconsin  -- the place where I was born.  I will always have a special love for Wisconsin, and always do claim it as my home town when people say I don't sound like I'm from the South.

5.  Aruba.  I love Aruba.  I don't care what anyone says about the place.  It's absolutely beautiful, and home to one of the greatest bartenders and free bar food around (yum yum mini eggrolls).  

4.  Linz Am Rhein, Germany -- where I spent a summer as a foreign exchange student.  Beautiful...and I know most people don't think of Germany as beautiful, but that is where my people came from, and it was actually pretty awesome to be able to drink vodka at 16.

2. Auburn, AL  --- really?  do I need to say anything else?  Loveliest Village on the Plains... WDE!

1.  New Orleans.....  my most favorite place on Earth.  As if that was a huge secret to anyone....  here are a few pics from my last adventure there (I get a bachelorette adventure in 2 weeks!  So excited!!!)

1st pic - Lucy's Retired Surfer Bar
2nd pic - Cooter Browns -- home of the longest beer list I've ever seen.

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