
And I made it!!

You know.  3 weeks later, but I'm still pretty proud of myself for finally getting around to the last day.  Even though I'm pretty sure this will be the most in-depth of all the days.  I've been feeling really emotional lately.   And just been sort of in a yucky yucky rut.  I feel like everything in my life is so unfinished  There are so many loose ends floating around everywhere.

Ok....onto day 10.

10.  I am obsessive compulsive about my weight.  I was not the healthiest girl in high school, and lost a lot of weight, and ever since have developed probably an unhealthy fear of getting heavy again.

9.  When I get angry, I don't yell or scream, I get quiet.  Maybe for a day.  Sometimes more than that.

8.  Daisies are my favorite flower.

7.  I don't mind ironing.

6.  I love eating tortilla chips with sour cream.  Actually, I'll take just about anything with sour cream.

5.  Sometimes I wish I didn't know so much about flatbed trucking.

4.  I've had a guy break up with me because I knew more about sports than he did.  Yes, he said that.

3.  I love raw oysters.

2.  My favorite thing in the world is having my hair played with.

1.  I will probably never ever know what my true natural hair color is.  

So there ya have it.  Probably more than you ever wanted to know about me, in just over a little two to three weeks.  I don't even remember when I started this thing.  

Ugh, oh well. 

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