
Friday: Outdoors!!

So guess what I did this week? I played on pinterest!! And it was fun. So for a rousing rendition of What I'm Loving Friday, here are some amazingly beautiful outdoor spaces that I would give my right arm for.

Source: glo.msn.com via Laura on Pinterest

Source: glo.msn.com via Laura on Pinterest

Source: glo.msn.com via Laura on Pinterest

Source: glo.msn.com via Laura on Pinterest

Source: glo.msn.com via Laura on Pinterest

I love a great outdoor space. I guess it may be because I don't have one. My one requirement for moving into a new house was to have an amazing front porch. Well, I'm sorry, but I don't have a front porch. I barely have a back one. There is no deck. Our chairs are on a slab of concrete. Granted, the hubs did make it bigger, but in all honesty, it is still concrete. I want an amazing 2-story deck with speakers built in, and a place to hang Italian wedding lights. It will happen, damn it. It needs to happen.

Like now.

Hope everyone has a good weekend!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Come move up here! ---- I'm sure we can find you a house with a front porch AND a back deck!! xoxo


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