
Out of Pocket

I know that I've been out of pocket for the past week, but seriously, it was to support the cause. I was trying to learn how to be a serious blogger, using LiveWriter and trying to figure out how to make my header go all the way across the page.

Please let me tell you that I have failed miserably on all accounts. My header is still only taking up 3/4 of the top of the page, and I am not writing this from LiveWriter.

Complete and utter FAIL.

I couldn't get LiveWriter pictures to sync up so I could actually publish the darn post. I spent almost 2 hours writing, rewriting, and in general just throwing a hissy fit trying to get it to work. I googled the crap out of "error 403," and no. All those people and their HTML genius don't jive with me and my limited knowledge of the blogging world.

And the header... Umm, I can't even go there. Maybe one of these days I'll have a beautiful blog that makes some sort of sense and has a full header.

But for now, I'll leave you a picture of my sweet pup from the 4th, and when I can bring myself to rewrite my 4th of July post again, I will most certainly do it.

**edit** ok, seriously didn't know that the other post posted. so now you have two ranting posts. geez.

1 comment:

  1. Ah you poor thing! I spent hours and hours when I first designed my header and all that. It was all trial and error. I'm not sure what the dimensions of your layout are but here's what I did. I opened up my image in picnik.com and re-sized it to 920x323 and now it stretches all the way across.

    Oh, and I've had the same thing happen to me on LiveWriter where it shows some error, Googled it, got nothing and wanted to cry. The only thing that worked was saving the post, closing out, and re-starting LiveWriter and then sometimes I realized it was just being difficult and so I waited and tried again later. Hang in there!! My fingers are crossed for you!


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