
Randomness Never Hurt Anyone

Ok, so I'm going to random it up a little. With all the bad and negativity in my life, I'm just going to put down a whole bunch of stuff that makes me happy.

When I quit this job, I didn't think it would be like this. I didn't think people would outright "shun" me. Let alone a group of grown men. If anything, it has made me even further realize that I made the right decision. It has also made me decide that when (not if, but when) I have my own business, that I will strictly only hire women.

Here's some photos of the stell-dog. She is such a sweetheart. I spend more time with her than I do with my husband, since he is out of town so often. She's not supposed to be on the bed, but seriously? Can you look at that face and say no? I didn't think so.

And she always, always, has some kind of toy in her mouth. Sometimes two. She is so motivated by toys, it's funny.

Aww, I just wanna squeeze those cute little ears off!

My mom and step-dan (aka GUIDO!) sent me flowers for my new job! How sweet was that?! Then when I called to thank them, Guido was like, "Did they put pink flowers in there. I told them to put pink flowers in there since it's your favorite color." Really? I heart him.

If anybody can identify this flower, please tell me what it is. I love it!! Well, it probably doesn't matter. Scenario: I find out what these flowers are. I rush to Lowe's/Home Depot to buy them. I plant them in the ground. They die two days later. I have no planting gene whatsoever.

My lemony-goodness cupcakes! I got this out of my cupcake cookbook. The baking part I got down; the frosting part I need help with, plus it didn't turn out as yellow as I wanted. But that doesn't really matter when I'm chowing down on them; amazing!

Ugh. I can't take a good cupcake picture to save my life. They look like crap here, but trust me, these were my best batch yet. Nobody got burned; nobody got under-cooked. The toothpick came out nice and clear. I patted myself on the back for these!

So, a few random tidbits of happiness. I can't wait to share what the new bride is doing with her bridesmaid invitations!! They are so cute! I'm so glad that I get to re-live a wedding. I am so so so glad that this girl gets to plan the bachelorette party....I just love weddings!

1 comment:

  1. I could be totally wrong but the flower looks a lot like either gladiola or maybe snapdragon. You know, just in case you do decide to plant some ;)


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