
Project Nightmare...um, 365

Monday night dinner. Pasta and a glass of red wine.

Oh yeah, that's a can.

I'm gonna blame this picture on the pain pills from the mole surgery. I really thought this was amusing. Really.

My hubs got me flowers on Thursday for being a trooper during surgery without him here. He hearts me.

I can't explain why or what I was doing in this one.

This was lunch on Saturday. Cheddar Cheese Pringles and a Blackened Cherry malt beverage. Thank you Mike's Hard line of awesomeness!

This is our "before" bedroom. All of the stuff is on the bed in order to get to the walls (or do we keep it this way all the time? you will never know!). I will have pictures of the after when it's finished. Which is hopefully this week, because being relocated to the guest room for the week sucks.

I've thought about quitting this thing for a while. It's incredibly frustrating. Like, I feel bad about half these pictures that I posted. I mean when you're taking pictures of a Diet Dr. Pepper can and a gummi bear? I don't think you can sink any lower. Oh I'm sure that I could.....


  1. I love the gummi bear picture! That totally made me smile!

  2. DDP and gummy bears are legit, they're a part of my life - worth capturing on film (or...on camera, you know what I mean). Also, pringles makes for a great lunch. haha.


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