
Texas-size Food

Yesterday I was riding home, to let the dog out and Bennett calls. He's in Texas this week, and he says he has the biggest plate of nachos that he's ever seen right in front of him for lunch. BBQ nachos at that. So, then I get this....

Obviously not kidding about the gigantic-ness of this plate of nachos. Needless to say since I was eating hot dogs and chips, this made me incredibly jealous. I mean, perfect nachos. Look at the BBQ and cheese just falling off the plate....oh, I'm hungry!

And then he calls to tell me that he got pulled over for talking on the phone in a school zone. His hotel is located in a school zone and the police got him as soon as he pulled out of the parking lot. Told him he could talk on his phone on the road all day long as long as he isn't in a school zone.

Funny Texas.

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