So at work, I have been placed in charge of a new pilot project. It is very time consuming and I am incredibly incredibly tired. I haven't been this mentally exhausted in quite some time; although the best part about this new thing....regular schedule!! Monday through Friday like normal work people! The bad part is being under that corporate microscope, and having every move monitored.
They sent us an email about social networking sites and being careful about what we put on them, so I won't divulge any secrets about what I'm actually doing there, but it is tiring. When they sent that email out, I tried to think if I had ever disgraced my place of employment on Facebook or Myspace. I don't think there are any truly embarassing pictures of me anywhere, and if there were, they have all been detagged. So I sit at work and wonder who is the main guy who messed up...
I mean there had to have been someone...maybe telling company secrets all on facebook, but I try my hardest to keep work out of facebook. I mean come on, I work all day, why would I want my one fun "social networking" site to be filled with that stuff?
Oh and another super duper thing...I have my own office now. It's basically a closet with no windows, but I do have my own room with a desk and a computer and a phone. No promotion or anything, just an addition to my status....Service guy said he was going to bring me a plant. Plants or good. I don't know how keen they are on me actually personalizing the place where I will be everyday, or how they feel about music...but I think I will try both to see what happens.
All good things have been happening: ordered invitations, had a fun mardi gras engagement party with super good hurricanes and got a few awesome presents, saw my little baby second cousin who is adorable and asked me to be his valentine...awwwww..
Speaking of Valentine's, Bennett has reservations at a fancy place, but won't tell me where. I've tried to guess but have been wrong every time...I wonder where I'm going...
sounds like your moving on up in the Penske world. If I understand correctly, you are basically getting paid to look at facebook all day? Nice.